Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 3/26/23


American Tyranny? Perfectly Normal   By Peggy Ryan

March 26, 2023 – Immediately after the 2016 election, the order went out: never let Trump’s presidency be normalized.”  Huh?  So someone controls what’s normal and what’s not?

Actually, yes, the leftist insurgency can and does control what’s normal, or at least what’s perceived as normal.  In fact, normalization is arguably the left’s most powerful tool to control behavior,, herd the populace, even impose a tyrannical government.

Normalization starts by saturating news, social media, and entertainment with a targeted subject.  This first step is a form of Systematic Desensitization, where people repeatedly exposed to something abnormal, taboo, or even scary gradually relax and accept it.

Then we have the self-categorization theory, an effective tool where people “conform to the norms of certain social groups whenever they want to belong to that group.”  Social media achieve the appearance of group consensus by using millions of bots (software-controlled, automated accounts) to bolster user numbers.  This army of virtual users not only reinforces like-minded opinions, but can flip people’s opinion even when the decision “does not reflect their own actual preferences.”

Another plus of self-categorization (wanting to belong) is language control.  Words considered offensive are labeled hate speech, condemned on social media, effectively banned.


Tucker: Philosopher explains how the strategy of creating a crisis is incredibly effective  [3:07]

March 25, 2023 – Legal philosopher Eva Vlaardingerbroek calls out extreme climate change rhetoric on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’


WACO: FED massacre cover up and Clinton ‘suicide’ called out by Trump   Pepe Lives Matter

March 25, 2023 The fake news is wondering why Trump chose to start his Presidential rallies for 2024 at the infamous Waco, Texas and for once, they might be onto something.

I went digging into the WACO massacre where a cult leader and over 80 people stood their ground against the federal government and then performed a mass suicide ritual by burning their own house to the ground.

Or did they?

Trump’s campaign manager says that their choice had nothing to do with that infamous event but I’m not so sure.

After digging into it, it seems like the government, backed by Bill Clinton, gave the order to burn these people to the ground and denied them their constitutional rights.

To be clear, I do not believe the cult leader David Kiresh was a good person, in fact, he was a pedophile, but all signs show that the government had set their will to take someone out and mass sacrificed children to do it.

To summarize what happened:

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.