Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 1/7/24



On the Blessed Day of Epiphany, Pope Francis Continued Trying to Gaslight the Faithful Into Buying His Controversial Approach to Doctrine and Dogma.   By Paul Serran

Jan. 7, 2024 12:00 pm – At the last major celebration of the Christmas season, Epiphany, Globalist Pope Francis once again tried to reframe the latest, deep self-inflicted crisis of his papacy.

While Francis is the most political Pope of our times, he is always calling out conservative prelates, urging them NOT to take on political stances – which is quite hypocritical of him.

Read: Pope Francis’ ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ a Failure of Biblical Proportions – Writer Is Controversial Bishop Accused of Covering up Sexual Abuse Allegations in His Diocese

All the time, we see him bashing the people who are protecting the millenary Catholic dogma and doctrine that he is hell-bent on destroying.

So on Epiphany, on Saint Pete’s Basilica in the Vatican, he cautioned the faithful against fracturing into groups ‘based on our own ideas’ – even though his fierce critics are defending two-thousand year old ideas from the Church fathers, not their own.

Read: Benedict XVI’s Biographer: Previous Pontiff Felt Betrayed by Pope Francis Many Times: ‘He Was Stabbed in the Heart’

Ideological Francis issued the call to abandon ‘ecclesiastical ideologies’, warning against ‘basking in some elegant religious theory’ instead of finding God in the faces of the poor.

Notice how Francis equates supporting his clearly heretical directives as ‘ finding God in the faces of the poor.’

This is all happening because all over the world, Catholics reject his Fiducia Supplicans, in which he ‘gave permission’ for priests to bless couples outside of marriage, including same-sex relationships.

Associated Press reported:

“Some bishops who view Francis as a dangerous progressive immediately rejected such blessings. That prompted the Vatican earlier this week to issue a statement stressing that the blessings don’t constitute heresy and there were no doctrinal grounds to reject the practice.”

Read: ‘I’m Still Alive’: Conservative US Cardinal Burke Has First Meeting With Pope Francis in 7 Years

In his trajectory of folly, Francis unsurprisingly has the full endorsement of MSM Globalist outlets, so expected that AP would focus on conservative bishops’ view of Francis rather than their undisputable objections to the very flawed Fiucia…, doomed to the garbage of history.

“Francis in his Epiphany homily didn’t cite the pushback against his same-sex blessings policy. But he deviated from the written text of the homily to cite the ‘need to abandon ecclesiastical ideologies’.

Francis said the Church needed to ensure that ‘our faith will not be reduced to an assemblage of religious devotions or mere outward appearance’.

‘We find the God who comes down to visit us, not by basking in some elegant religious theory, but by setting out on a journey, seeking the signs of his presence in everyday life’, especially in the faces of the poor, the pontiff said.”

That’s the straw man argument: ‘if you don’t like my gay blessings, you are against the poor’.

Read: Principalities of Evil: Bishop Strickland Says ‘Forces’ Influence Globalist Pope Francis Into Making His Decisions

Francis further rambled, saying that believers must imitate the three wise men in putting God at the center of their lives.

Crux Now reported:

“’We need to abandon ecclesial ideologies to find the meaning of holy mother church, the ecclesial attitude. Ecclesial ideologies no, ecclesial vocation yes’, he said, saying, ‘The Lord, not our own ideas or our own projects’, must be the focus.

‘Let us set out anew from God; let us seek from him the courage not to lose heart in the face of difficulties, the strength to surmount all obstacles, the joy to live in harmonious communion’, he said.”

Read: Pope Francis Considers Resigning, Decides To Be Buried Outside the Vatican, in the Basilica of St. Mary Major

Francis said that the 3 Magi are described as having their ‘eyes are raised to the heavens’.

“The Magi ‘do not pass their lives staring at their feet, self-absorbed, confined by earthly horizons, plodding ahead in resignation or lamentation’, but rather, they ‘lift their heads high and await the light that can illumine the meaning of their lives’, he said.

‘If we remain closed in the narrow confines of earthly things, if we waste away, heads bowed, hostages of our failures and our regrets; if we thirst for wealth and worldly comforts rather than becoming seekers of life and love, our life slowly loses its light’, he said.”

Read more:

[Ed.:  Devil’s agent in Pope’s clothing!]


Pence Says FBI Did Not Contribute to January 6 Capitol Protest, Cheers Arrest of More Than 1,200 Trump Supporters  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Jan. 7, 2024 12:20 pm – Former Vice President Mike Pence appeared on CNN on Sunday to discuss the January 6 Capitol protest.

Pence told CNN’s “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper that the FBI did not contribute to the January 6 Capitol protest and cheered the arrest of more than 1,200 Trump supporters.

“I’ve heard the many repeated assurances from the FBI that they were not involved, and I take them at their word,” Pence said.

Pence said he takes FBI Director Christopher Wray at his word that the FBI did not instigate the riot.

“I’ve seen the director of the FBI repeatedly assure the American people that the FBI were not the instigators of the riot that occurred on January 6,” Pence said to Jake Tapper on Sunday. “And frankly I’m very grateful for the efforts of the FBI to bring nearly a thousand people to justice who ransacked our Capitol and did violence against police officers that day.”

Pence said he’s “pleased” that more than 1,000 – mainly peaceful – Trump supporters are locked up in the DC gulag.

Most January 6 protestors peacefully strolled through the Capitol after being waved in by police but they were arrested and charged by Biden’s corrupt Justice Department anyway.

“I believe everyone that conducted that riot at the Capitol needs to be held to the fullest extent of the law. I’m pleased that many have,” Pence added.




“Like Carlo In The Car In The Godfather” – Epstein’s Brother Tells Tucker, Pathologists Said “Doesn’t Look Like Suicide”   BY TYLER DURDEN

SATURDAY, JAN 06, 2024 – 01:20 PM – Earlier in the week, we saw Jeffrey Epstein’s brother Mark explain to Tucker Carlson how he has struggled to obtain basic documents related to his bother’s death in federal custody.

As the identities of Jeffrey’s various ‘associates’ is released this week, it is clear from the ‘eliteness’ of this list of alleged creeps that many people stood to benefit from Epstein’s perpetual silence and Tucker Carlson expressed skepticism about the official cause of death being ruled suicide, writing:

The U.S. government claims Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in a federal detention facility in Manhattan four and a half years ago, just before his trial.

If that’s true, why are there so few records available from that night?

Carlson highlights the fact that the mainstream media largely ignores big questions such as – who Epstein worked for, the origin of his wealth, and the true cause of his death, particularly whether it was suicide or murder.

“The first is who did Jeffrey Epstein work for? What did Jeffrey Epstein do for a living and on whose behalf? We don’t know.

The second question is where did all the money come from? Hundreds of millions of dollars that passed through his hands over many years. And where is it now? We don’t know that either.

And the third question, maybe the most pressing of all, which is, what happened to Jeffrey Epstein.

Specific to the third question (because we can guess at the other two), Mark Epstein reiterates his unsuccessful attempts to identify other inmates or obtain records from the night of the death.

[Ed.:  Although we keep hearing that “we may never know” who ‘suicided’ Epstein, Now, in an exclusive to Daily Shmutz readers, here is what happened:  Bill and Hillary Clinton had him killed.  Mystery solved.  Time to move on to the next red flag distractions from 12 million invaders to the US, the Biden laptop, Ukraine money laundering, child sex trafficking, Sleeper cells in the US, prosecuting global plandemic genocide, and US tax dollars going to Iran war efforts against the US, etc.]


Oklahoma City Bombing: Terrance Yeakey’s Suspicious Death   RED PILL CONSPIRACY

JAN 7, 2024 – Officer Yeakey, First Responder to the OKC Bombing, said there was – “Evidence of a cover-up… by federal agents”


BREAKING: Ukrainian State Media Plays Demons Singing Christmas Carols On Orthodox Christmas Eve   by Tsarizm Staff

January 6, 2024 – KYIV – The only one remaining channel in Ukraine showed a video of Hell creatures singing Christmas carols like Hell wishes. This is on Ukrainian orthodox Christmas night!!!

This is during the war.

This shows the real face of the TV dictatorship in Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Zelenskiy has made no secret of his disdain for Christianity, jailing Ukrainian Orthodox monks and closing monasteries across Ukraine.

Zelenskiy is widely believed to be addicted to cocaine.


Washington Post Publishes Tired Hit Piece on The Gateway Pundit – Says the Silent Part Out Loud  By Jim Hoft

Jan. 6, 2024 8:00 am – The Washington Post published its latest hit piece on The Gateway Pundit this week.

The report featured our stellar reporting on the Michigan GBI Strategies voter registration harvesting scandal.

And, of course, the article was short on facts and heaped full of fake news and outright fabrications – what we’ve all come to expect from the WaPo in the past several years.  After all, this is the same publication that was awarded a Pulitzer for their completely fraudulent reporting on President Trump being Putin’s puppet – from tips that were provided by their deep state comrades in an attempt to impeach President Trump and sully his name.  The WaPo has yet to show any integrity and return this undeserved Pulitzer prize back to the committee.

In this latest hit piece, WaPo journalist Sarah Ellison serves her left-wing masters and attempts to rip apart our stellar reporting on the Michigan GBI Strategies voter registration harvesting scandal.

Sarah Ellison forgets to mention in her shoddy report that The Gateway Pundit based our reporting on a three-year-old Michigan police report that was buried and ignored by the state media for years – until The Gateway Pundit reported this to our national audience.

Sarah Ellison also forgot to mention that the police in Michigan stand by their original reporting on the over 10,000 fraudulent and suspect registrations that were turned in to the Muskegon clerks.

And, Sarah Ellison ALSO forgot to mention that The Gateway Pundit reported proof that GBI Strategies was turning these registrations into numerous offices around the state!

** We will dive into fraudulent details of the WaPo hit piece in upcoming reports on The Gateway Pundit.

In our first read of this targeted hit piece against The Gateway Pundit, Sarah did make very clear to conservative Americans — DO NOT report on Democrat-linked left-wing election fraud and “irregularities” or there will be consequences!

That was very clear from her report.

Did you catch that? Under the new “democratic” rules of the left – If you challenge ANY FRAUD, IRREGULARITIES, CRIMINAL ACTIONS, MISSING BALLOTS, MACHINE MALFUNCTIONS, FRAUDULENT VOTER ROLLS, LATE NIGHT BALLOT DROPS, etc. — You will face consequences. Just ask America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani!

Now, they’re even putting their threats in their favored legacy media outlets. They’re not even hiding it anymore.

The Gateway Pundit will not be daunted by this latest threat. We promise to continue to provide you with the most courageous and honest reporting on the internet today.

And, FYI… We will have much more to say about this WaPo hit piece in future reporting.


Toronto Police Defend Delivering Hot Coffee to Hamas Supporters Blocking Bridge Near Jewish Neighborhood   By Kristinn Taylor

Jan. 6, 2024 11:35 pm – Police in Toronto, Ontario were caught on video hand-delivering a to-go box of hot Tim Horton’s coffee to Hamas supporters on Saturday who were blocking a bridge near a Jewish neighborhood. The coffee was brought to the bridge by protesters who were not allowed to join the blockade. Two police took the coffee and a bag of snacks and delivered them to the Hamas supporters blocking the bridge.

Laura Brabant, spokesperson for the Toronto Police Service, posted twice on X Twitter to defend the coffee delivery to the anti-Semitic terrorist supporters:

“Our officers are managing a dynamic situation. In performing a helpful act today, our officer’s motivation was to help keep tensions low and should not be interpreted as showing support for any cause or group. Our officers continue to work to de-escalate these demonstrations”


“Officers in Toronto are often publicly criticized for heavy handed tactics used during demonstrations. Today, given a very dynamic situation, officers continued to work to de-escalate these demonstrations and maintain calm and the public’s safety”


January 6 Documentary: PATRIOT DAY Premiers NOW! WARNING! Viewer Discretion Advised – REAL PATRIOTS Only!    [36:24]   By Alicia Powe

Jan. 6, 2024 11:00 am – The highly anticipated documentary “Patriot Day,” produced by incarcerated J6 political prisoner Jake Lang and his team at J6Truth.org premieres today on The Gateway Pundit.

Intent on obliterating the mainstream media’s false narrative that January 6th was some sort of ‘white domestic terrorist attack,’ Lang, who has been held in pretrial custody for over 1080 days, managed to create the “truly 1776 spirited film” while in solitary confinement.

The groundbreaking documentary provides a riveting first-person perspective of the January 6 Capitol protest.



“This is the Smartest, Best Informed Account of What Actually Happened on January 6th” – Rep. Higgins Tells Tucker All About Undercover Agents Involved in J6   (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Jan. 6, 2024 7:20 pm –  – Congressman Clay Higgins sat down for an interview with Tucker Carlson.

Tucker said Higgins, a former police officer, provided the “best informed account of what actually happened on January 6, 2021.”

Recall that in 2022 Rep. Higgins asked the FBI if they had confidential human sources (CHS) dressed as Trump supporters embedded within the January 6 protesters.

FBI Director Chris Wray obfuscated and told Higgins that FBI’s confidential human sources did not instigate or orchestrate January 6.

Rep. Higgins told Tucker government officials – feds, military etc – LURED Trump supporters into the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Higgins said of the feds: “They were sort of testing the waters to see who amongst that group would begin acknowledging, ‘Maybe we should do that, maybe we should plan for an occupation like that.’”

“On the inside, you had FBI assets dressed as Trump supporters who knew their way around the Capitol before the doors open. Or else how are you going to get around the Capitol?” Higgins said.

“You’ve been there many times, you need a guide,” Higgins said explaining it’s a maze inside the Capitol. So there’s no way Americans, most of which have never been to the Capitol, there’s no way they could come in some random door that gets opened and then get their way directly to the statuary or the House Chamber or the Senate Chamber. It’s just not possible.”

Higgins estimates that at least 200 FBI assets were operating in the crowd of Trump supporters at the Capitol on January 6.



Former AG Bill Barr Says DOJ ‘Cast Their Net Far Too Broadly’ Going After January 6 Protesters   By Cassandra Macdonald

Jan. 6, 2024 6:00 pm – Former Attorney General Bill Barr says that the Department of Justice cast its net “far too broadly” when prosecuting people who were at the Capitol on January 6.

Barr made the comment while speaking to Neil Cavuto on Fox News for the third anniversary of the protest.

“Well, you know, like everything else the left does, they did, I think, go too far,” Barr told Cavuto on Saturday.

“I think there were people involved in January 6, particularly the people who attacked the police and broke their way into the Capitol, there were people that should have been prosecuted, but I think they cast their net far too broadly and have been hounding people that really, you know, just wanted into open doors in the Capitol and hung around,” Barr said.

[Ed.:  Ya’ think so?]


DC US Attorney Matthew Graves Says DOJ is Now Going to Target THOUSANDS of Americans Who Were Around the Capitol on Jan 6 – But Did Not Enter the Building   (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Jan. 6, 2024 8:40 pm – Matthew Graves, US Attorney for the District of Columbia on Thursday held a press conference on the 3rd anniversary of the January 6 Capitol protest.

“It’s been three years since a violent mob attacked our Capitol,” said Matthew Graves, a Biden appointee.

Graves thanked the public for assisting the FBI in identifying J6rs and said more Capitol protesters would be arrested.

“An important note about those who remained outside the [Capitol] building,” Graves said. “We have used our prosecutorial discretion and to primarily to focus on those who entered the building, are those who engaged in violent or rough conduct on Capitol grounds.”

Graves then said the DOJ is now going to target THOUSANDS of Americans who were around the Capitol on January 6 – but did not enter the building.

He continued, “But, if a person knowingly entered a restricted area without authorization, they had already committed a federal crime. Make no mistake, thousands of people occupying the area that they were not authorized to be present in in the first place.”



FBI Arrests Three J6rs in Pre-Dawn Raid on Anniversary of January 6 Capitol Protest…. THREE YEARS LATER   By Cristina Laila

Jan. 6, 2024 4:40 pm – The FBI on Saturday morning arrested three January 6rs on the anniversary of the Capitol protest – THREE YEARS LATER.

“The FBI executed three federal arrest warrants early this morning at a ranch in Groveland, Florida in Lake County,” the FBI Tampa office said in a statement on X. “The subjects taken into custody are January 6 fugitives Jonathan Daniel Pollock, Olivia Michele Pollock, and Joseph Daniel Hutchinson III. The defendants are scheduled to appear in Federal Court in Ocala, Florida on Monday, January 8. No further details concerning their capture are available at this time.”


WATCH: Iranian Illegal Immigrant and Former Islamist Warns Ben Bergquam of Islamic Terrorism Coming Across the Southern Border, Says “Islamists Will Come Here, Get The Guns, Get The C4 Detonation, and Kill People”   By Jordan Conradson

Jan. 6, 2024 3:20 pm – Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam recently spoke to an illegal immigrant and former Islamist, who warned that “Joe Biden is sleeping,” and violence is coming through our southern border at the hands of Islam.

The illegal alien, who traveled from Iran to Jacumba, California, further told Bergquam that if the “US falls, everyone falls.”

The man said he was born Muslim but does not believe in Islam, and when asked how bad Islam is, he remarked, “It’s terrible,” while comparing it to a wave of viruses plaguing the world.

Bergquam recently reported on the hundreds of military-age males that invade the US from all over the world daily in Lukeville, Arizona.

“If I was governor here, I would be afraid,” the man said, noting that “all these people” coming across our borders are “military age.”

More than 11 million illegals – mainly military-age males – have invaded the US on Joe Biden’s open border invitation.

More than 300,000 illegal aliens crossed over the US border on Biden’s open border invitation in December, according to Customs and Border Protection.

Bergquam posted the interview on X, commenting, “This might be the most insightful and terrifying interview I’ve ever done. Iranian national who crossed illegally into Jacumba, California, warns me and America of what’s coming. You must watch the whole thing! Listen to what he says about Trump versus Biden, it truly is incredible. Please share and help wake up the sleeping masses. Biden and the Democrats are National security threats! I would trade this guy for any of the Democrats in power right now.”



Amish Farm Raided by Government in Move Described as ‘Lawless … Patently Illegal    By Warner Todd Huston, The Western Journal

Jan. 6, 2024 9:00 am – State employees, including members of the Pennsylvania State Police, raided Amos Miller’s Lancaster County farm Thursday, reportedly as a result of an investigation into the farmer’s supposed violations of state food safety codes.

The raid was conducted under the authority of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, along with the state police, according to the Lancaster Patriot.

Miller, the farmer, has been involved in a long dispute with both the state and federal governments over food and meat inspection and health safety guidelines after officials have accused him of selling dangerous food that doesn’t meet inspection standards.

Pennsylvania officials claim that they were contacted by public health officials in New York and Michigan about illnesses reported in minors who ate the raw milk products sold by Miller, Lancaster Online reported.

The search warrant, dated Jan. 3, that the Pennsylvania health agents served on Miller “sought, among other things, illegal raw milk and raw milk products, including eggnog,” the media outlet said.

The agency added, “Miller has never licensed his retail operation.”

The state also claims that incidents of illness date back to 2016, and the most recent case was Dec. 19.

On top of that, authorities implied that one person died as a result of consuming food purchased from Miller.

“[T]he Food and Drug Administration said it identified listeria in samples of Miller’s raw milk and found it to be genetically similar to the bacteria in two people who developed listeriosis — one of whom died — after consuming raw milk,” Lancaster Online reported.

Sheri Morris, acting bureau director of food safety with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, was reportedly notified by the New York State Health Department about “a confirmed positive case of a foodborne pathogen (STEC – Shiga toxin producing E. Coli) in an underage individual” who supposedly consumed food items sold by Miller, the Lancaster Patriot reported.

Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie blasted the raid in a post on social media platform X.

“With all of the problems in society today, this is what the government wants to focus on?” Massie wrote, adding, “A man growing food for informed customers, without participating in the industrial meat/milk complex?”

“It’s shameful that it’s come to this,” he railed.

Total Page Visits: 46

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.