DAILY SHMUTZ | NEWS | 10/25/24


[Ed.:  The news can be fun (and is sometimes funny, if you know how to swallow it…)  Notice the conscientious avoidance of Kamala/Biden articles here!  …You’re welcome!  ]

 (Note:  All Democrat and RINO readers must be accompanied by an adult, and have a clean pair of unwrinkled panties...)



Mayhem at Washington Post After Bezos Kills Harris Endorsement – Staff Threatening to Quit and Denounce Company   By Ben Kew

Oct. 25, 2024 3:15 pm   The Gateway Pundit – There is chaos at The Washington Post after its owner Jeff Bezos vetoed an endorsement of Kamala Harris over Donald Trump. [Emphasis added]

As reported by NPR on Friday, the paper will not be endorsing a candidate for the first time since 1980 after Bezos decided the company should remain neutral.

“The decision was revealed in a tense meeting with people on the editorial staff,” NPR reported.

“And it arrives at a time of heightened concern over whether news outlets are pulling their punches in order to appease Trump in final days of a neck and neck presidential race [against] VP Harris MORE.”

Now, staffers at the company are reportedly threatening to denounce the company or even walk out in protest.

According to Semafor’s media editor Max Tani, the paper’s opinion staff are “furious” about the decision and are “contemplating what action to take, ranging from resigning, quitting the board, or a statement.”

Meanwhile, CNN’s Democratic Party propagandist Brian Stelter, quoted one editor as saying that the decision represents “an outrageous abdication of responsibility. Democracy doesn’t die in darkness, it dies when people anticipatorily consent to a fascist’s whims.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post Guild issued a statement denouncing the decision, arguing it “undercuts the work of our members at a time when we should be building our readers’ trust, not losing it” and that readers are already cancelling their subscriptions as a result.

Meanwhile, columnist Bob Kagan has already announced his resignation from the company, reports the New Yorker’s Susan Glasser.

The Washington Post is not the only major paper to decline to endorse Kamala Harris.

Earlier this week, the far-left Los Angeles Times also confirmed it would not be endorsing a candidate after its own, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, blocked efforts to do so.

In a statement, the Times merely said that “the editorial board endorses selectively, choosing the most consequential races in which to make recommendations.”

[Ed.:  “Meanwhile” (just to be redundant,) behind the scenes, more and more Democrats are jumping ship.  This is because the party’s animosity to America, its people, and its Constitution, is blatantly obvious to everyone and everyone is beginning to realize that they must avoid shooting themselves in the foot, or cutting off their nose to spite their dumb-assed faces.  I believe that (even) a majority of the invading illegal aliens, although though they were taught to say that they are voting for Kamala (and do say it,) they will cast their votes privately for Trump for their own welfare!  This means that almost everyone will vote for Trump.  However, due to the algorithms, the machines, the mail-in bogus votes, and the weeks they will take to count all of those ballets, the Democrats will manipulate their ‘Victory’ despite the facts.  The question is: then what?  What are we going to do about it?  Remember: the Democrats are merely stooges and ‘useful idiots’ of the swamp controlling our government (the 4th branch of government.) President Trump must stand up and hold his position and declare that “no, I won the election,” and we the people loudly state the same.  No civil war is needed.  It’s really not that Democrats and Republicans need to kill each other.  Perhaps even a ‘Revolution’ is not even necessary because that is between the people and the government. We can simply ignore their claim of winning the election, defund them, fire them, prosecute them, and send them looking for work elsewhere. No need to kill even them! Give them the old J6 treatment, whatever! In summary, the polls lie.  Trump and Harris are not running “neck and neck”. America will elect Trump.  Will he hold on to that clear expression of the American People, or will he just walk away from it again this time?  If he does, will we?  Talk amongst yourselves…]


Canada Begins EUTHANIZING Citizens with ‘COVID VACCINATION SYNDROME’   By Frank Bergman

Canada has just killed the first citizen under the Canadian government’s controversial new plans to begin euthanizing patients who have been injured by Covid “vaccines.”


Canada has just killed the first citizen under the Canadian government’s controversial new plans to begin euthanizing patients who have been injured by Covid “vaccines.”

An Ontario man in his late 40s has become the first person to be euthanized for “post-COVID-19 vaccination syndrome.”

The man was killed under Canada’s “assisted suicide” laws via the government’s taxpayer-funded Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) program.

Doctors had determined that the patient had become a burden on the socialized healthcare system.

They warned that he wouldn’t recover from “post-vaccine syndrome” and ruled that MAiD was a better option than long-term care.

The patient, identified only as “Mr. A,” had experienced “suffering and functional decline” following three Covid mRNA vaccinations.

The doctors said the patient was suffering from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and personality disorders as a result of the “post-vaccine syndrome.”

The man was twice admitted to hospital, once involuntarily, due to his condition.

Doctors noted that the patient had “thoughts of suicide” while “navigating his physical symptoms.”

The anonymized case is one of several highlighted in a series of reports issued by a 16-member MAiD death review committee struck by Ontario’s chief coroner’s office in January.

“Amongst his multiple specialists, no unifying diagnosis was confirmed,” according to the report.

However, his MAID assessors “opined that the most reasonable diagnosis for Mr. A’s clinical presentation (severe functional decline) was a post-vaccine syndrome, in keeping with chronic fatigue syndrome.”

Yet, there were no “pathological findings” at a post-mortem that could identify any underlying physiological diagnosis, the report notes.

The term “post-vaccine syndrome” has itself become controversial.

Canada’s current vaccine reporting system for adverse events doesn’t include “post-vaccine syndrome.”

Despite agreeing that the man’s condition was caused by a vaccine injury, multiple specialists consulted before his death couldn’t agree on a diagnosis.

The lack of a clear diagnosis raises further questions as to whether the man’s condition met the criteria for an “irremediable,” meaning a hopeless, incurable condition.

However, Canada’s assisted dying law requires people to have a grievous and irremediable physical condition.

Psychiatric experts raised concerns about whether the man’s mental illnesses would or should have rendered him ineligible for MAiD.

Some members of the MAiD death review panel also questioned whether a condition “previously unrecognized in medicine” — namely, a possible “post-vaccine somatic (meaning affecting the body) syndrome” — could be considered incurable.

Canada’s rapidly expanding euthanasia industry has been a growing concern for some time.

The Canadian government first introduced MAiD in June 2016.

By relaxing the laws, the nation legalized assisted suicide for those whose death was reasonably foreseeable.

The MAiD program was supposed to offer an alternative option for terminally ill people so they could avoid a painful death and die with dignity.

However, the nation’s Liberal government has increasingly expanded the laws since 2016.

Today, the Canadian government is euthanizing citizens for depressionhearing lossautism, and even poverty and homelessness.

The government is even pushing to expand euthanasia laws to include children and infants.

What started as an option for terminally ill people is now being used to eliminate those who have become a burden on the nation’s socialized healthcare system.

The recent MAiD death review committee report highlights another case involving a different unemployed male in his 40s with inflammatory bowel disease.

The man was living with few social supports, was dependent on family for housing and financial support, and had struggled with alcohol and opioid addictions.

He wasn’t offered treatment for his addictions and was put forward for MAiD.

His family had concerns that he was railroaded into “assisted suicide” by doctors.

During a psychiatric assessment, the man was asked if he was aware of MAiD, and given information on the option.

His MAiD provider later personally drove the man to the location where he was euthanized.

Multiple members of the death review committee considered the case a transgression of professional boundaries that could be seen as “hastening a person towards death.”

Other members disagreed, however, and claimed the doctor’s actions were “helpful and compassionate.”

The news comes after a new study revealed that the Canadian government’s socialized healthcare system is saving millions of dollars a year by euthanizing patients instead of treating them.

The study found that Canada’s healthcare system saves up to $136.8 million annually thanks to the government’s MAiD program.

However, critics are warning that vulnerable patients are being pressured into choosing death over “costly” care.

Many argue that euthanizing citizens to relieve the burden on the government is “heartless utilitarianism” that must be rejected.

The study was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

A “cost analysis of medical assistance in dying [suicide] in Canada” found that the policy saves the Canadian federal government up to $136.8 million every year, the study notes.

“As death approaches, healthcare costs increase dramatically in the final months,” the study states.

“Patients who choose medical assistance in dying may forgo this resource-intensive period.”


Archbishop Vigano: Open Letter to American Catholics — Kamala Harris is an Infernal Monster Who Obeys Satan   By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Oct. 25, 2024 11:15 am – Dear Faithful American Catholics,

I am addressing all of you, a few days before the Presidential Election that will call millions of American citizens to the polls.

Even in conditions of relative normality, the exercise of the vote is your moral duty, through which you cooperate in the first person in choosing the person who will lead the Nation for the next four years.

But in this coming electoral round – just as in 2020 and indeed much more so – you are not simply called to choose between two candidates who happen to be on different political sides but who both nevertheless have the common good at heart in compliance with the Constitution and the Law.

No; in this election you must choose between two radically opposed ways of conceiving the government of your Nation: you are called to choose between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and slavery.

On one side we have candidate Donald J. Trump, who, despite serious problems in his positions – especially in the matter of abortion and assisted procreation – has as his objective the common good and the protection of the fundamental freedoms of citizens.

In Donald Trump’s America, every Catholic can practice their Faith and educate their children in it without interference from the State.

On the other side we have a candidate and a party that promotes everything that directly opposes the Faith and Morals of the Catholic Church.

In Kamala Harris’ America, Catholics – but also Protestants – are considered fundamentalists to be marginalized and eliminated, and their children are considered the property of the State, which arrogates to itself the right to lead them astray from an early age in both body and soul.

Trump’s America can become great and prosperous again. Harris’ America is destined for invasion and for moral, social, and economic destruction: the most ferocious dictatorship.

Look at your country! Your cities have become dumps filled with derelicts and criminals, drug dealers and addicts, prostitutes and robbers. Your schools are dense with indoctrination and corruption from kindergarten onwards.

In your courts, criminals are acquitted and innocents are imprisoned: new ideological crimes are prosecuted, while illegality is tolerated and encouraged. In your hospitals, multinational corporations rule, and you are their guinea pigs to be exterminated or made chronically ill so that you will be their perpetual clients.

Farmers, ranchers, and fishermen are persecuted and forced to fail, while the land is grabbed by unscrupulous corporations who transform it into endless photovoltaic systems and wind turbines to power their data centers and server farms where they collect all your data, your movements, your purchases, and your political preferences.

They have gone so far as to tamper with the climate by means of sophisticated geoengineering operations and devastating arson in order to make the global warming fraud credible and impose the green transition, the increase in the cost of energy, and electric cars and scooters.

And all this is done based on evidence that consists of lies without any scientific proof, but which are propagated through the servile collaboration of the regime media, ever ready to label any dissenters as conspiracy theorists.

But what until yesterday was dismissed as the result of conspiracy theories is now admitted by the government itself.

They take away your sunlight; they poison you by seeding the clouds; they overwhelm your villages and your fields with deadly hurricanes; they kill your livestock and dry up your crops with induced droughts and devastating fires.

They aim to control the entire food sector, to force you to eat only what they make available to you. This is what the Agenda 2030 calls for, which has been imposed without any vote by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.

In these four disastrous years of the Biden-Harris administration, we have had a puppet in the White House and a corrupt and incompetent Vice President who has never stopped lying and deceiving voters about her past and her future.

Power is managed by the criminal deep state – whose names and faces we now know – that is responsible for the destruction of your great Nation.

And to ensure that the crisis is endless, new war scenarios are continually opening up, in conflicts that no one actually wants, except for those who make enormous profits from them, sacrificing human lives and compromising international stability.

You have seen what the Democrats, that is, the woke far Left, have been capable of in four years. Imagine what they will be able to do if, instead of Biden’s numerous stand-ins, his Vice President is elected – in the most scandalous and unimaginable fraud – with her entourage of LGBTQ+ Ministers, rigorously woke, sold out to China or the World Economic Forum, sponsored by George Soros or Bill Gates, manipulated by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

At that point, dear American Catholics, you will not only have to go to a different rally – as Kamala would like – in order to say “Christ is the Lord”, because saying that will be considered hate speech, and praying in front of an abortion clinic an act of terrorism.

Do not think that these are remote hypotheses: wherever the woke Left takes power, it establishes the most vicious, anti-human, and anti-Christian dictatorship that humanity has ever known. And we know that every time the Left has come to power, it has never left through democratic means.

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris: we are not talking about two visions that are a bit different but still part of the normal political back-and-forth.

No; we are talking about two diametrically opposed and irreconcilable worlds, in which Trump fights against the deep state and is committed to freeing America from its tentacled grip, while on the opposite side we have a corrupt and blackmailed candidate, an organic part of the deep state , who acts as a puppet in the hands of warmongers like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, of self-proclaimed “philanthropists” like the criminals George Soros and Klaus Schwab, or of characters like Jeffrey Epstein and Sean Combs.

Their program is that of the Global Left, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and ultimately the program of Vanguard, BlackRock, and StateStreet.

Their agenda is dictated by the financial oligarchy that controls humanity to the detriment of the people: an elite that operates not only in the United States but also in Canada, Australia, Europe, and wherever politics is held hostage by their investment funds and their pseudo -humanitarian organizations dedicated to the obliteration of Western Civilization.

Behind these people – by now we should know this – are people devoted to evil, united by the satanic hatred against Our Lord Jesus Christ and those who believe in Him, mainly against the Catholic faithful.

We want Christ to reign, and we proclaim it with pride: Christ is King! They want the Antichrist to reign, whose tyranny is made of chaos, war, disease, famine, and death.

And the more emergencies and crises planned and created by the globalist elite increase, the more that elite has a pretext to impose new limitations, new restrictions of fundamental rights, and new social controls.

Joe Biden, the current “President,” is a servant of this subversive elite and widely blackmailable for the scandals and crimes committed by himself personally and also by his family, beginning with his son Hunter. His “Vice President,” Kamala Harris, is equally subservient to the same deep state.

And the Democratic Party, to which they both belong, is the expression of the woke ideology that plagues all the parties of the global Left.

Candidate Donald J. Trump, while certainly taking some serious critical positions that a Catholic cannot agree with, represents for us, dear American faithful, in this specific historical moment, the only possible choice to counter the globalist coup that the woke Left is about to implement definitively, irreparably, and with incalculable damage for future generations.

Voting for Donald Trump means firmly distancing ourselves from an anti-Catholic, anti-Christian and anti-human vision of society. It means stopping those who want to create a hellish dystopia that is even worse than the one announced by George Orwell.

And it also means – do not forget – giving him our vote of confidence, so that President Trump knows that the massive vote of Catholics and Christians that brought him back to the White House must become the premise for a more incisive commitment to the defense of life from conception to natural death, the traditional family, the right of parents to educate their children, and to the defense of the Christian Faith and the cultural identity of the Nation.

I repeat: the choice is between a conservative President, who is paying with his very life for his fight against the deep state, and an infernal monster who obeys Satan.

For a Catholic, there can be no question: voting for Kamala Harris is morally inadmissible and constitutes a very serious sin. Nor is it morally possible to abstain, because in this war declaring oneself neutral means allying oneself with the enemy .

People around the world are beginning to understand the threat that looms over them and their children’s future, and you Americans have understood it too. But even if this time it will be more difficult for the deep state to repeat the fraud of 2020, you must not think that it will resign itself to defeat so easily.

Let us therefore prepare to prevent possible attacks and civil war scenarios from being used to impose martial law and new restrictions, after the attempts on his life from which President Trump providentially escaped.

But let us not forget, dear Faithful, that human energies alone are powerless in the face of this infernal display of forces. We proclaim that Christ is King – this means that Our Lord must return to reign, and the first way to make Him reign is by obeying His holy Law and living in His Grace.

Let Christ reign in your hearts, in your families, in your communities, and throughout the entire United States of America: this is the only way to peace, harmony, and prosperity for your Nation.

Think of how many of you Catholics there are in the United States! Vote without hesitation, and pray that Our Lord will enlighten American citizens in making their choice and grant victory to those who, at least, have no problem proclaiming that Christ is Lord.

May God bless you all, and may the Virgin of Guadalupe, she who is the Patroness of the United States and all the Americas, and Saint Michael the Archangel, protect you.

Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,
former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America


Peak Waste: Feds Set Record for Improper Payments   By Bob Ivry

Oct. 25, 2024 10:30 am   Real Clear Wire – In 2021, near the peak of the coronavirus pandemic, investigators tailed a Jeep Cherokee stolen from an airport Avis to a New York City apartment they called a “fraud factory” – no furniture, just an air mattress, a computer, stacks of loan and tax forms, and a shredder.

Two men who had first met in prison – Adedayo Ilori, 43, and Chris Recamier, 59 – were using stolen identities and fake paperwork to falsely claim they employed 200 people, bilking the federal government’s pandemic-relief programs of more than $1 million, according to federal prosecutors. They used the stolen money to splurge on big-ticket purchases, such as cryptocurrency, leasing luxury apartments and a Mercedes, the evidence showed.

Recamier got nine years in prison. In October 2023, after a judge sentenced Ilori to 25 years – at the time, the harshest punishment for a pandemic fraud case – U.S. Attorney Damian Williams thanked the usual partners in law enforcement, including the FBI and the NYPD. But Williams also expressed gratitude to an agency, the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, which is so little-known that the press release announcing Ilori’s conviction used a footnote to explain what it was: a small office in the Justice Department established by Congress in 2020 to track fraud related to the $5 trillion the government lent or spent to help Americans survive COVID-19. Mostly under the radar, the Accountability Committee built data-analysis capabilities that, as of January 2023, had identified an estimated $5.4 billion in pandemic fraud, according to congressional testimony last month by DOJ’s Inspector General and committee head, Michael E. Horowitz.

Created by the Trump-era CARES Act with a fiscal 2024 budget of $40 million, the scam-hunting agency has made notable strides in combatting a problem that has befuddled other watchdogs – the massive amount of “improper” payments dispensed by the federal government each year.

In its first three years, the Biden administration set a record for the amount of money sent to the wrong recipients, for the wrong reasons, or in the wrong amounts during a single presidential term – at least $764 billion. The federal government estimates that nearly 6% of its total spending has gone to improper payments during Biden’s presidency, according to OpenTheBooks.com.

The amount tops the $673 billion in improper payments made during the four years of the Trump administration, which were about 5% of government outlays, the watchdog group said. It also dwarfs the federal spending deemed improper during the Obama administration. Improper payments were $453 billion and $512 billion during Obama’s two terms in office, respectively, according to the Government Accountability Office.

Since 2003, when the government first started tracking improper payments, it is estimated that they have added up to more than $2.7 trillion, according to paymentaccuracy.gov, the public website where government agencies report their numbers.

Given that trajectory and the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee’s success addressing the problem – it has identified 135 times more improper payments  than it has spent – Horowitz and the inspectors general of other Cabinet-level departments are beseeching Congress to “apply our fraud-prevention and detection tools to all federal spending.” Instead, he said in his Sept. 10 testimony, the fraud-hunting agency faces closure next year if Congress doesn’t renew its funding soon.

While the fate of the agency remains uncertain, questions about extending its expiring five-year mandate are shining a light on the federal government’s longtime problems in battling waste, fraud, and error. As large as the numbers are, experts agree they vastly understate the problem.

For instance, any waste or fraud associated with the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s two biggest rental assistance programs, which together constitute 68% of HUD’s annual budget, are not included in the total figure. The agency says it can’t keep tabs on improper payments due to spotty reporting by states, which collaborate with the federal agency on distributing aid. Since the programs have a combined 2025 fiscal budget of $49.5 billion, undetected illegality is likely to inflict significant taxpayer losses.

As the numbers show, the problem is less connected to any specific administration or governing philosophy than a deeper problem in government accountability, experts say.

“It’s hard to ask recipients of big programs such as Social Security to look the other way when there are proposals to tighten up their benefits [for fiscal reasons] at the same time that so much money is getting thrown out the door,” said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office and current president of the American Action Forum, a conservative think tank. “We obviously have to spend more wisely.”

Criminal activity targeting the taxpayer is vast and mostly goes unpunished. Uncle Sam loses between $233 billion and $521 billion annually due to fraud, according to the Government Accountability Office. But not all improper payments indicate fraud. The federal government commits a lot of old-fashioned errors, too. For example, the failure to update Medicare records to reflect recipient deaths means that providers have continued getting paid for as long as two years after their patients died. Close to $300 million was spent on behalf of dead people in fiscal year 2023, according to OpenTheBooks.

Efforts to limit the amount of squandered taxpayer money languish near the bottom of agency to-do lists and are typically underfunded. The Government Accountability Office has made recommendations for improvements and shared them with Cabinet departments and Congress. Many of them have collected dust for years. Inspectors general of Cabinet agencies, tasked with keeping an eye on department spending, complain they don’t have the resources, in some cases, to even follow up on credible fraud claims.

Experts and watchdogs agree that the federal government needs a more data-driven approach to rein in fraud. As President Biden’s fiscal 2025 budget message states: “There is compelling evidence that investments in administrative resources can significantly decrease the rate of improper payments and recoup many times their initial investment for certain programs.”

Linda Miller, co-founder and chair of the Program Integrity Alliance, a good-government group, told Congress that in addition to limiting improper payments and fraud, “increased data use can also significantly reduce administrative burdens on honest Americans who deserve efficient interactions with the government.”

The pandemic exposed just how unprepared the government was for criminality on such a vast scale, Miller said. Detailing the fraud in the government’s biggest pandemic relief effort, the Paycheck Protection Program, has proven difficult. The PPP doled out $953 billion in loans to small businesses so they could stay afloat during COVID lockdowns and ended up forgiving $793 billionImproper payments by the program added up to $23 billion just for fiscal 2023, according to figures compiled by the GAO.

The GAO and inspectors general of cabinet-level agencies have said they support continued funding of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee and its data lab, the Pandemic Analytics Center of Excellence. But, observers say, hurdles often stand in the way of common-sense government reforms.

The biggest change would be collaboration, including sharing data, between agencies. “Much of what our data-analytics center does is facilitating data-matching among agencies to find people who may have defrauded multiple pandemic programs,” Horowitz testified. “This ability is important because fraudsters do not typically target just one government program. They focus their efforts on any and all government programs from which they can easily steal money.”

The GAO has long been in favor of cross-agency partnerships and has said so in its recommendations to Congress. Rather than chase the money once it’s gone, the GAO has said it’s easier to work to prevent fraud by sharing information, communicating across government offices and what it calls leveraging existing infrastructure, which would include data analysis.

Right now, individual inspector general offices have no authority to investigate outside their own agencies. The government-wide pandemic anti-fraud programs helped break down those silos.

For instance, Horowitz said his DOJ anti-fraud division worked with the Social Security Administration to ensure that applicants for aid had properly matching social security numbers – and were alive. The watchdog determined there were 69,000 examples of questionable identification that had been used to obtain $5.4 billion in pandemic relief.

In the biggest probe so far, Horowitz said, data analysts worked with the Social Security Administration to identify 14 people who worked together to swindle the PPP of $53 million. “They allegedly used a group of affiliated companies to apply for at least 29 fraudulent PPP loan applications to financial institutions that included inflated payroll expenses, doctored bank statements and faked tax forms,” Horowitz said. “The defendants then created a false paper trail to simulate payroll expenses by funneling the funds through a series of bank accounts.”

In other cases, pandemic anti-fraud units have worked with a variety of government agencies, including the FBI, individual executive-branch inspectors general, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery, the Small Business Administration, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, the Internal Revenue Service and, of course, the Justice Department’s Southern District of New York, where PRAC helped law enforcement take down the two “fraud factory” criminals who were eventually sentenced to a combined 34 years in prison.

“Unless Congress takes action, one of the most significant tools that Congress helped create to improve program integrity and prevent fraud will be lost,” Horowitz said. “It would be a wasted opportunity to allow this valuable fraud-fighting tool to expire.”


Small Business Owners are branded “terrorists” by Federal Government    By Peter Mcilvenna

Oct. 25, 2024 9:30 am – In just over 2 months every small business owner in America is required to be registered with the Federal Government’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The Biden/Harris administration rolled out this unconstitutional law, known as the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), on January 1st, 2024.  [Emphasis added]

The CTA requires all small business owners in the United States, with revenue under 5 million and less than 20 full time employees to self-report to FinCEN, housed under the Department of Treasury.

According FinCEN’s website:

“FinCEN is a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. The Director of FinCEN is appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury and reports to the Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. “

Your failure to report into this terrorism and intelligence database by January 1st, 2025 means that you will be subjected to fines of $591 per day and you could face a penalty of up to 2 years in federal prison. Small business owners in the United States could be jailed for up to 2 years for committing no crime, other than failing to turn over their personal, protected data to Big Brother.  [Emphasis added]

Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) and Senator Warren Davidson (R-OH) seem to be the only two elected officials moving seriously against this unconstitutionality. Both offices have introduced the aptly named “Big Brother Overreach” Bill, but it has fallen on deaf ears.

With current elections being as close as they are in Ohio, perhaps Senator Sherrod Brown should be asked where he stands on this issue?

It is shocking that this has not been a national campaign issue already and, unfortunately, millions of small business owners don’t even know this law exists. Nor do they know that they will automatically be in violation of this law on January 2nd. Talk about an “October Surprise.”

Why has the legacy media, on both sides of the aisle, been silent on this? Why is this dangerous piece of legislation not being exposed for the tyranny that it is?

President Trump vetoed the NDAA in 2019, effectively stopping the CTA, but it resurfaced and was passed with a veto proof majority in 2021, which makes it even more urgent to get this issue in the public eye.

What is FinCEN?

Enforcement of the CTA falls under The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN); a bureau within the Department of Treasury. FinCEN’s mission statement reads:

“FinCEN’s mission is to safeguard the financial system from illicit activity, counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and promote national security through strategic use of financial authorities and the collection, analysis, and dissemination of financial intelligence”

The first question that we need to be asking is why are innocent small business owners being asked to provide all of their personal information to a federal database that reports directly to the Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence? Does the federal government classify all small business owners in the United States as “terrorists”?

Secondly, the Department of Treasury is not known for its track record of impartiality. Non-profit organizations have previously been targeted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), also housed under the same Department of Treasury.

In 2013, the IRS, under Lois Lerner’s leadership targeted conservative non-profit groups with the name “tea party”, “patriot”, etc., and in a brazen act of political warfare, denied and/or revoked their non-profit status.

The Corporate Transparency Act is nothing more than the “for profit” equivalent of the same non-profit Department of Treasury scandal of years back. Where is the guarantee that this database, housed under the Department of Treasury, will not be weaponized?

FinCEN is creating a massive federal database of every single small business owner in the United States, with the potential of jail time for failure to self-report and massive fines. However, if your revenue is over 5 million, and you have 20 or more full time employees, you are exempt from this intrusive law and regulatory nightmare. This law does not apply to Blackrock, Pfizer, Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc. This law has been set up, exclusively, to target small business owners.

Even more concerning is the fact that the National Department of Treasury Union has openly and unapologetically endorsed Kamala Harris for President. Partisan enforcement of CTA, by an unelected bureaucracy, against political enemies is not a question of “if”, but “when”.

One especially alarming part of FinCEN’s mission statement reads:

“…….security through strategic use of financial authorities and the collection, analysis, and dissemination of financial intelligence”

“Dissemination” to who? Who does FinCEN share this data with?

A World Wide Web of data sharing

FinCEN is a member of the Egmont Group, and it serves as the United States’ Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) for the Egmont Group, as part of a wider network of 177 international FIU’s.

In the UK the equivalent is the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) or the National Crimes Agency (NCA), who are also member FIU’s of the Egmont Group. The equivalent office to FinCEN in Canada would be the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC), also focused on Terrorism finance, and if you are “down under” in Australia it would be the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC).

Why is this important and concerning? Well, because under data sharing and cooperative agreements that FinCEN and the Egmont Group are a party to, this means that your information, to include your residential address, could be shared and made available around the world with the push of a button or a database query, and you would never know.

Who are the Egmont Group?

The Egmont Group, of which FinCEN is a member FIU, was founded in Brussels in 1995 as an international network to facilitate information sharing and dissemination to counter anti-money laundering and counterterrorism financing. It has been headquartered in Canada since 2008.

According to its website:

“As a global organization, the Egmont Group both facilitates and prompts the exchange of information, knowledge and cooperation amongst member FIUs.”

The fact that information is shared, not only with allied “five eye” nations, but much wider through the Egmont Group’s FIU network, is of immediate concern.

The Council for Financial Activities Control in Brazil, another member FIU, could conceivably have access to this shared information. Remember that Brazil is controlled by the far left socialist leadership under Lula da Silva. Do you want your information being shared with comrade Lula? Let’s not forget that Lula’s government is currently targeting Elon Musk, who has the resources to fight this, but what about “mom and pop” small business owners across the United States, who don’t have the same financial resources?

The French equivalent to FinCEN is TRACFIN. No sane person would want their personal financial information being shared with Emmanuel Macron or his government. What about Mexico? Do you really trust your information with the Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera? Or what about Russia’s FIU? Or Venezuela’s FIU? How about Palestine?

You can find the full list of Egmont Group FIU member states, including FinCEN here:

Earlier this year FINTRAC, the Canadian equivalent to FinCEN was hacked. Canadian authorities still have no idea how bad this data breach actually was. Your information could be shared among multiple databases and FIU’s, including FINTRAC, exposing your personal and sensitive financial data, with no guarantees of security or privacy.

Putting international data sharing concerns aside, the Federal Government in the US doesn’t have a positive track record for protecting personal data, either. Perhaps the best example of this was the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) breach, in 2015, under the Obama administration.

But don’t worry, I’m sure the sensitive personal and financial data of millions of innocent small business owners will be safe with FinCEN.

Most concerning is that the Egmont Group is based in Canada. Every FIU, including FinCEN, sits under a separate entity under Canadian jurisdiction. Does anyone really trust Justin Trudeau’s Canada and his unelected bureaucracy any more than they trust the unelected bureaucracy in America? Here is a list of the Egmont groups’ affiliate organizations:

Vice President Kamala Harris wants to tout her “Opportunity Agenda” and her support of small businesses, yet her administration, of which she is the sitting Vice President, is moving at lightning speed to regulate and criminalize millions of small business owners in the United States. This includes massive fines and up to 2 years in federal prison..

The CTA is a clear violation of the 4th amendment, the 5th amendment and the 10th amendment. State Attorney General’s need to weigh in, urgently. Entity creation and registration has always been a States’ right issue. This is the largest first step the United States has ever taken towards nationalizing private business ownership under a federal umbrella.

So what if you decide you want to close your business and not be forced to hand over your personal data to this terrorism and intelligence database? According to FinCEN, enforcement is retroactive. As long as you operated a small business for even one day in 2024, you are still required to self-report, even though you no longer own that business or it has been dissolved. Again, your failure to do so could land you in prison.

The Corporate Transparency Act is not about “transparency” or “compliance”, it is about “control”. Unfortunately, without more citizen engagement, and without this being a front and center campaign issue, it seems that little will be done to stop this massive government overreach. If the legacy media won’t cover this then the alternative media like The Gateway Pundit, and citizen journalists will.

Peter McIlvenna  Peter Mcilvenna is the co-founder of Hearts of Oak, a UK based freedom of speech alliance. Guest interviews each Monday and Thursday and News Reviews each Saturday. Peter has also worked for Lord Pearson of Rannoch in the House of Lords for the last ten years. In 2019 he served as UKIP’s national Campaign Manager during the Local and European Elections. He is married with two children and has a strong Christian faith. https://gettr.com/user/heartsofoak

You can email Peter McIlvenna here, and read more of Peter McIlvenna’s articles here.

[Ed.:  The Federal Government has that exactly reversed! They must be ‘projecting’.  Small business owners are patriotic, tax-paying citizens.  The Federal government is a treasonous, terrorist, anti-American swamp.


“Tina Lia: Maui is a Biotech Lab”   [55:35]   DR NAOMI WOLF

OCT 24, 2024 – Tina Lia, founder of MauiUnites.org, reveals chilling plans underway by a consortium of public and private interests, to inflict lab-altered mosquitoes on the Hawaiian population and ecosystem. What is the real agenda?

Watch Now


J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Thrown in Permanent Solitary Confinement   By Assistant Editor

Oct. 24, 2024 1:20 pm – The Biden-Harris regime has passed a red line that hallmarks all totalitarian regimes: persecution and torture.

January 6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang has been thrown in solitary confinement permanently for posting a video from a secret contraband cell phone of himself praying, Holy Bible in hand, on the floor of his prison cell.

Lang is a January 6 patriot and founder of the community fundraiser for all J6ers, SponsorJ6.com, who has spent nearly 1,400 days behind bars without a trial. Jake’s treatment has become an example of the egregious overreach of a weaponized federal government. For almost four years, he’s been incarcerated as a political hostage of the Biden-Harris regime, enduring unimaginable hardship, including over 900 days in solitary confinement. His story is not just one of political persecution but one of profound faith and an unbreakable will to overcome injustice.

On October 3rd, prison officials at the notorious and dangerous Brooklyn, NY, Federal Prison raided Jake’s prison cell, assaulting him and hauling him into ‘the hole’ for posting this viral video of a prayer inside his prison cell, asking Almighty God to deliver the January 6ers and bring Trump back to the White House. They told him he will never return to General Population and will remain in solitary confinement until he leaves the prison. Jake’s trial has also been postponed for the 6th time until November 12th.

Jake, who has been subjected to unconstitutional, cruel, and unusual punishment, leans on his unwavering faith in Jesus Christ to survive the relentless torment. While the Democrats continue to label January 6 patriots as insurrectionists, Jake’s message is clear: J6ers are being persecuted because they represent America’s birthright of liberty and resistance to tyranny.



Lang’s ordeal highlights the two-tiered justice system that has taken root in America, one that seems to favor violent criminals while targeting conservatives and patriots for holding Constitutional values. While leftist rioters and career violent offenders walk free in a revolving door of cash-free bail, Jake and other J6 prisoners are treated as enemies of the state for standing up against the 2020 stolen election. The persecution of J6 prisoners, including Jake, is a disturbing testament to the erosion of the rule of law.

UPDATE: Two days ago, Jake was transferred from the notoriously gang-infested federal prison in Brooklyn to the Washington DC Jail, a facility infamously known as the “Gulag” for housing J6 detainees in deplorable conditions. For years, multiple Republican Congress members, including Marjorie Taylor Greene, have decried the inhumane treatment of these political prisoners, who are held in conditions more fitting for dangerous criminals than citizens who dared to speak out against a rigged system.

The Washington, D.C., Jail has become ground zero for the Democrats’ persecution of conservatives, a place where patriots are subjected to CRUEL and UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT for their beliefs.

DC Jail is no longer housing J6ers together in the famous cell block ‘the patriot pod’ but now J6 prisoners face constant threat, as they are mixed with violent criminals, carjackers, and rapists (DC Jail is infamous for prison rape epidemic) – in the general population. Every day an ambulance pulls up to the jail to cart away the victims of stabbing wounds, and even a few times a year, the dead body of an inmate who was shanked to death.



DC Jail Warden Pace Secretary: 202-523-7010
General Counsel for DC Jail: 202-671-2042
DC Jail Main Desk: 202-698-4932
US Marshals Supervisor: 202-772-0373

During Jake’s most recent transfer to DC Jail, The Gateway Pundit has exclusively learned that they used the ‘black box’ handcuff torture device that left his wrists bleeding and starved him for over 24 hours – while the US Marshals stuffed their faces in front of him on Chic-Fil-A.

The Gateway Pundit has also received an exclusive statement from Jake through his legal team when asked what the American people can do to help:

” Unfortunately, now that I’ve returned to DC Jail for the THIRD time, there is a new wave of January 6ers the FBI has kidnapped and their lives destroyed. We are in a DESPERATE fundraising push right now for these families who have been cripple financially. God will provide.”

In the wake of the J6 protests, hundreds of American families are being torn apart by a weaponized Department of Justice. Fathers and husbands, who were the main providers for their households, have been ripped from their homes by the FBI and imprisoned for nearly four years. These men, many of them peaceful protesters, have become political prisoners, held in what can only be described as modern-day gulags. Their families are suffering unimaginable hardship—struggling to pay their mortgages, keep food on the table, and maintain even the most basic necessities. The financial strain has reached a breaking point, and now, more than ever, these families need your help.

The January 6 Commissary Fund has been established to provide desperately needed relief for these political prisoners, many of whom are going without basic necessities like commissary food and winter clothing in the harsh conditions of their prisons. Why? Because these men, these patriots, refuse to take away from their families’ limited budgets. They are sacrificing their own comfort—going hungry, cold, and isolated—so that their wives and young children can survive at home.


Imagine the heartbreak of a mother who has to explain to her children why Daddy isn’t coming home, why they can’t afford to keep the house warm, or why there’s so little food in the pantry. These families have been thrust into an unimaginable situation, left to fend for themselves while their loved ones rot away in prison, railroaded by a corrupt justice system that targets them because of their political beliefs. The men who stood up for liberty and for the Constitution are being punished beyond anything that should happen in a free country.

We are calling on you, the American people, to step up and make a real, tangible difference in the lives of these heroes and their families. Your donation to the January 6 Commissary Fund will ensure that these men can eat, that they can stay warm this winter, and that their families can keep a roof over their heads. This is not just a plea for charity—this is a call to arms for those who value freedom, those who believe that no man should be left to suffer simply for exercising his God-given rights to free speech and protest.

Thank you to all the Gateway Pundit readers and prayer warriors who continue to help the J6ers and fight for our freedom, may God bless and shine His face on you.


Iranian Recently Claims Obama’s Support

Don’t Miss This 1 Minute Revelation!



[Ed.:  Remember the $150 billion he gave Iran?]


“New World Order” is what Putin calls BRICS at the latest summit  [VIDEO 0:59]

October 24, 2024 – A new world order is how Vladimir Putin has referred to BRICS by its English acronym. We know it stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but now even economic powers such as the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, and Egypt have joined, and more nations are pointing in that direction.


“WHY would anyone want to conduct a cybersecurity “exercise” on Election Day?”

October 24, 2024  ISRAPUNDIT

Garland Favarito tweeted the following:

“WHY would anyone want to conduct a cybersecurity “exercise” on Election Day?”

The Homeland Security community of vendors, contractors and government agencies is coming for a large critical infrastructure conference that includes a “tabletop” cybersecurity threat exercise on Election Day in Atlanta, the capitol of one of the most hotly contested battleground states in America. It is reminiscent of the NORAD federal agency conducting aero defense exercises while we were attacked on 9/11. The exercise sponsored by the Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association International (AFCEA), begs for specific answers to a variety of serious questions:

-What remote sites will the exercise access?

-What federal, state and local agencies will participate?

-Whose idea was it to have a cybersecurity threat exercise on Election Day in a key battleground state?

-Who is controlling the cybersecurity threat exercise? -Why would key individuals be here instead of monitoring real threats on the very day when we are at the highest risk of attack?

The timing of this exercise further decreases the credibility of Homeland Security. Their Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is the same agency that claimed the 2020 election was “the most secure in American history” while their own servers had been compromised without their knowledge by Sun Spot and Super Nova malware attacks on CISA’s Solar Winds’ Orion monitors.  You can’t make this stuff up. Garland Favorito http://VOTERGA.ORG

[Ed.:  I think they should have the cybersecurity test Thanksgiving Day, or Christmas Day, or on my birthday…]


BLM Collected Over $90 Million in Donations. Where Did It Go?   By Sean Patrick Cooper

As its leaders spent the money on tailored suits, birthday parties, and ‘big ass’ mansions, almost none of it went to the cause.

October 23, 2024 – Can you name the scrappy start-up that struck gold in 2020, earning its three female founders worldwide fame and $90 million in company revenue? Multimillion-dollar homes and a production deal with Warner Bros. soon followed, while friends and family were showered in consultant gigs worth millions of dollars.

Capitalizing on the lucrative opportunities afforded to them as high-profile progressives, the three celebrity founders moved on, leaving the operation to wither in the hands of deputies who, sadly, turned on each other. A remarkable spate of legal trouble, brushes with law enforcement, and tangles with the Internal Revenue Service have all but spelled the death of the enterprise that you probably know best as Black Lives Matter.

The spectacular rise and fall of BLM has surprisingly little in common with earlier civil rights campaigns, other than, perhaps, good intentions. How BLM’s leaders exploited George Floyd’s murder to raise millions that they then put into their own pockets more closely resembles the stories of famous grifters like Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos or Sam Bankman-Fried’s foray into “effective altruism.”

Think back for a minute to 2020, when George Floyd was killed by police, and the tens of thousands of people on the left who protested despite Covid-19, wrote “Black Lives Matter” in the middle of roads, and took over a handful of downtowns in places like Minneapolis and Seattle. Think back to the panicked response by corporations that vowed to do better by black America, revved up their diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, and threw millions of dollars at BLM. Think back to the presidential race, where defunding the police was a top issue.

Here we are now, with DEI programs in retreat, corporations no longer willing to make political statements, and the left more obsessed with Israel than police reform. On the campaign trail, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris compete to be the law-and-order candidate. And BLM four years later? It looks like little more than a hustle.

The latest proof point came earlier this month when Tyree Conyers-Page—a.k.a. Sir Maejor Page, the 35-year-old former leader of the BLM chapter of Greater Atlanta—was sentenced to 42 months in federal prison for money laundering and wire fraud. Pocketing the $450,000 raised from 18,000 donors to “fight for George Floyd” and the “movement,” Page spent lavishly on himself, splurging on tailored suits, nightclub bar tabs, an evening with a prostitute, and, as he texted to a friend, “a big-ass cribo” that he bought in Ohio after he “won the lottery.”


Greenland further extends detention of anti-whaling activist Paul Watson  [VIDEO  10:31]

October 23, 2024  FRANCE 24 


A court in Greenland has once again decided to extend the custody of anti-whaling campaigner Paul Watson, until November 13, while Denmark considers a Japanese extradition request.

23/10/2024 – 16:35 – A Greenland court on Wednesday extended the detention of anti-whaling activist Paul Watson for three more weeks, pending a decision on his possible extradition to Japan for an altercation with whalers in 2010.

This marks the fourth extension of his detention since Watson was arrested in July in Nuuk, capital of the Danish autonomous territory.

“The court in Greenland has today decided that Paul Watson shall continue to be detained until November 13, 2024 in order to ensure his presence in connection with the decision on extradition,” Greenland police said in a statement.

Police added that Watson had immediately appealed the decision.

Watson was arrested on July 21 when his ship docked to refuel in Nuuk on its way to “intercept” a Japanese whaling vessel in the North Pacific, according to his foundation.

He was detained on a 2012 Japanese arrest warrant that accuses him of causing damage to a whaling ship in the Antarctic in 2010 and injuring a whaler.

Watson, who featured in the reality TV series “Whale Wars”, founded Sea Shepherd and the Captain Paul Watson Foundation (CPWF) and is known for radical tactics including confrontations with whaling ships at sea.

‘Inhumane treatment’

In a rare public comment on the case, Japan’s Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya recently insisted the extradition request was “an issue of law enforcement at sea rather than a whaling issue”.

But Watson told reporters as he left court on Wednesday that the Japanese were running a “criminal enterprise”.

“They’re just using the Danish judicial system to get their way. And they want to go back to killing whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary again,” he said.

Tokyo accuses Watson of injuring a Japanese crew member with a stink bomb intended to disrupt the whalers’ activities, during a clash with the Shonan Maru 2 vessel on February 11, 2010.

Watson’s lawyers insist he is innocent and say they have video footage proving the crew member was not on deck when the stink bomb was thrown. The Nuuk court has refused to view the video.

One of Watson’s lawyers, Finn Meinel, told AFP the legal proceedings were “very disappointing”.

“We are still not allowed to present the evidence showing that the case brought against Paul has no basis,” he said.

The custody hearings are solely about Watson’s detention, with the extradition request being reviewed by Denmark’s justice ministry.

Meinel said he expected the ministry to decide on the extradition before the next detention hearing.

In September, Watson’s lawyers contacted the UN special rapporteur on environmental defenders, claiming that he could be “subjected to inhumane treatment” in Japanese prisons.

‘Brave man’

Watson had been living in France at the time of his arrest and has written to French President Emmanuel Macron to ask for political asylum.

World-respected British conservationist Jane Goodall told AFP last week she hoped France would accept his plea, calling him a “brave man”.

As Watson’s hearing began on Wednesday, several dozen supporters demonstrated outside city hall in Paris, chanting “Free Paul Watson” and holding signs reading “A hero doesn’t belong in prison” and “Saving whales is not a crime”.

French officials have previously urged Copenhagen not to extradite him, but have said that a person must be in France to file an asylum claim.

Japan, Norway and Iceland are the only three countries that still allow commercial whaling.  [Emphasis added]


Continue reading

[Ed.:  If any Daily Shmutz regular readers had any doubts that I was a “deplorable”, radical, right-wing extremist, let me add this to the list:  Paul Watson is a friend of mine.  He saves whales.  (That’s an adjunct profession to saving trees by hugging them. Hence the term ‘tree-huggers’.)  I am stating here that I strongly support Paul Watson in this attack on him by the Japanese Whaling Commission.  I want my readership to know which side is ‘up’ in this story, and to support him accordingly. https://seashepherd.org]   


Hungarian PM Orbán Says European Union Is Working To Overthrow His Government, Install a ‘Puppet Regime’ Obedient to Brussels’ Failed Globalist Policies   By Paul Serran

Oct. 23, 2024 3:40 pm – Conservative hero Viktor Orbán once called the EU ‘a contemporary parody of the Soviet Union’.

For years, the Hungarian Prime Minister has been engaged in a constant struggle against the block and its slew of ruinous globalist policies.

Now, Orbán has told a crowd of followers that the European Union is working to overthrow his government, and install a puppet regime that will follow the Brussels line to the letter.

Reuters reported:

“Hungary’s nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban alleged on Wednesday that the European Union executive was trying to overthrow his government and impose a “puppet” administration on Budapest, likening his protest to the 1956 anti-Soviet uprising.”

The western press is over-excited that Orbán will faces an acute threat by a former Fidesz member coming up in the polls.

Orbán spoke to supporters on the anniversary of the 1965 revolt against Soviet domination.

The Hungarian premier defended his sovereign policies relating to the Ukraine war, migration and other Globalist agendas, and said that these were unacceptable to Brussels.

“’We know they want to force us into the war (in Ukraine), that they want to impose their migrants upon us, and hand over our children to gender activists’, he said in a speech from a stage set up in Budapest’s Millenaris Park.

‘We know that they’ve got a puppet government (in mind), the party they want to impose on us’, Orban said, alluding to the new center-right, pro-EU Tisza party of Peter Magyar, who addressed a rally of over 10,000 people later in the day.

Orban did not say how the European Commission was allegedly seeking to topple his government and impose a puppet administration, and cited no evidence of any EU policies or statements to back up such accusations.”

The European Commission declined to comment on Orban’s accusations.

Reuters’ reporting talks about a poll in which Tisza had overtaken Orban’s party Fidesz among ‘decided voters’.

But in the electorate as a whole, Fidesz still led with 29% support, 3% ahead of Tisza, the poll found.

It’s not a big lead, but the next election is in 2026, so MSM seems a bit in a hurry in this case.

Read: EPIC Hungary’s Orbán on EU ‘Blackmail’: ‘There Is Not Enough Money in the World To Force Us To Accept Mass Migration and To Put Our Children in the Hands of LGBTQ Activists’

So Orbán, today, urged Hungarians to ‘resist’ Brussels as they resisted Moscow almost 70 years ago.

AFP reported:

“’Do we bow to the will of a foreign power, this time from Brussels, or do we resist it? … I propose that our response should be as clear and unequivocal as it was in 1956’, Orban told thousands of people in Budapest.

‘For us, the lesson of 1956 is that we must fight for only one thing, for Hungary and for Hungarian freedom’, he added.”

The 1956 uprising was quickly thwarted by the Soviet Union, leaving 3,000 dead and 20,000 wounded. It has become a symbol of Hungary’s fight against oppression.

“Orban attended a ceremony marking the 1956 uprising in a Budapest park rather than outside the capital as he has the previous two years.”

Read more:  EPIC ORBÁN: Hungarian PM Confronts Commissioner von der Leyen and Her Gang of Globalists, Denounces the Abject Failure of Their Policies in Fiery EU Speech in Strasbourg (VIDEOS)


Here We Go: Maricopa County Election Officials Admit It Could Take TWO WEEKS to Tabulate Election Results   By Jim Hft

Oct. 23, 2024 8:45 am – If you’re living in Maricopa County, you better pack some snacks and maybe bring a pillow to the polling station, because the election results won’t be arriving any time soon.

In a move that surprises no one, election officials in this Arizona battleground are pleading for “patience”—patience that could last up to 10-13 DAYS as they work to tabulate the votes from this year’s election.

Apparently, they’re facing longer-than-usual ballots due to “higher interest” in this year’s election.

You’d think, with all the advanced technology at their disposal, Maricopa County would have figured out how to streamline this process by now.

But instead, they’re telling the public to sit tight and wait while they bumble through the counting of what is expected to be more than 2.1 million votes, and only 400,000 votes cast so far.

“We do expect that it will take between 10 and 13 days to complete tabulation of all of the ballots that come in, but we ask for the community’s patience,” Deputy Elections Director Jennifer Liewer told 12News.

“We want to make sure that this is a secure process, but we also want to make sure that it is an accurate process,” she added.

Scott Jarrett, the county’s elections director, suggests that “We are seeing a little bit of a lag of where we were in 2020, but the last few days we’ve actually seen an uptick in turnout. So I am expecting that we will start approaching very close to those 2020 numbers.”

Of course, who can forget 2020—the year when Maricopa County became ground zero for nationwide election fraud and legal challenges?


Let’s not forget the infamous 2020 Arizona presidential race.

Fox News, infamously, called Arizona for Biden while people were still waiting in line to vote. Tucker Carlson himself questioned the early call, and we all remember the subsequent “late-night ballot dumps” that miraculously leaned 100% in Biden’s favor, which also happened in key battleground states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

Joe Biden edged out Donald Trump by a mere 10,457 votes.

Maricopa County, which holds more than 61% of Arizona’s population, was central to Biden’s slim victory, as he won the county by just 45,109 votes.

In 2021, Hans von Spakovsky, manager of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative, told Breitbart News that in Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin, unaccounted-for ballots outnumber the margin of victory.

Spakovsky told Breitbart’s Alex Marlow,

“[The Wisconsin Election Commission] said 6,500 absentee ballots they mailed out were sent back by the postal service as ‘undeliverable’ [and] 3,000 ballots that came back were rejected. They don’t say why, but usually [a ballot is rejected] because, for example, the signature doesn’t match, indicating it may have been a fraudulent ballot,” he remarked.

Wisconsin authorities cannot account for 76,000 ballots, von Spakovsky stated. “They don’t know what happened to them,” he said. “In other words, voters requested an absentee ballot, or [Wisconsin officials] simply decided — in some places in Wisconsin — to simply mail out absentee ballots to everybody, and the ballot never came back, so it’s unaccounted for. These are the official numbers of the election commission [in Wisconsin], and we don’t know what happened to them. We don’t know if [the ballots] got lost [or] if they were stolen and somebody didn’t get to vote.”

“This didn’t just happen in Wisconsin. … The margin of victory in Arizona for Joe Biden was only a little over 10,000 votes. Maricopa County alone has admitted that they sent 110,000 mail-in or absentee ballots to what turned out to be the wrong addresses,” he continued

“They were labeled [and] returned as ‘undeliverable’ by the postal service,” he added. “Same thing in Nevada. … Clark County sent out something like 93,000 mail-in ballots that are unaccounted for. In other words, they mailed it out [and] it never came back. We don’t know what happened to them, and remember, the margin of victory in the entire state was only a little over 33,000 ballots.”

“There are literally tens of thousands of ballots out there floating around, and we don’t know what happened to them,” he concluded.

Democrats were going to focus on the “overseas voters,” or UOCAVA votes, to seal a victory in 2024, as first reported on The Gateway Pundit.

The DNC reminds everyone in their memo of how close the 2020 election results were (that no one was allowed to question) and why they’re not going to leave anything to chance in 2024:

In 2020, just 44,000 votes across Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin votes won Joe Biden the presidency. In fact, abroad voters made a notable difference in Georgia and Arizona during the 2020 presidential election and made the difference in close races in Connecticut, New Hampshire, and North Carolina during the 2022 midterms. That’s why the DNC is doing the work to win this election by reaching out to voters regardless of where they live.

Now, Maricopa officials are scrambling to reassure the public by increasing staff and adding more high-speed tabulators. They’re telling voters to either vote early or prepare for long lines on Election Day. But can anyone really trust this process after what happened in 2020?

[Ed.:  This way, they can keep counting until they have enough bogus votes to ‘win’ the election, however long it takes!]


JUST IN: Judge Orders Rudy Giuliani to Give Control of Manhattan Penthouse Apartment, Valuables, and Luxury Items to Georgia Election Workers   By Cristina Laila 

Oct. 22, 2024 8:00 pm – A federal judge on Tuesday ordered Rudy Giuliani to turn over a large amount of his valuables and his Manhattan apartment to a receivership that will be controlled by Plaintiffs related to a defamation judgment against him related to his claims about 2020 election fraud.

A DC jury previously decided that Giuliani should pay $148 million in damages.

Judge Lewis Liman, a Trump appointee, said Giuliani must turn over his interest in the New York property to the Plaintiffs so it can be sold.

According to Bloomberg, Giuliani listed $500 million in debts and between $1 million and $10 million in assets in a previous bankruptcy filing.

Giuliani was also ordered to turn over special mementos, luxury watches and gifts he received after the September 11 terror attacks.

“In addition to the Trump campaign fees and the New York apartment, Giuliani must also turn over a collection of several watches, including ones given to him by European presidents after the September 11, 2001, attacks; a signed Joe DiMaggio jersey and other sports memorabilia; and a 1980 Mercedes once owned by the Hollywood star Lauren Bacall. Additionally, the judge ordered that Giuliani turn over his television, items of furniture and jewelry,” CNN reported.

The defamation suit was related to Giuliani’s statements about surveillance video from the State Farm Arena tabulation center on election night in 2020.

Judge Beryl Howell unilaterally decided that Rudy Giuliani was guilty of defamation after he was late turning in a financial statement in the case.

The judge has not made a decision on Giuliani’s Palm Beach, Florida condo or his four New York Yankees World Series rings.

A hearing on Giuliani’s Florida property will be held next week.

[Ed.:  This is an obscene travesty of justice.  Let’s pray that Rudy will get a higher ruling to dismiss the case. I think he can do it.]


BREAKING: Federal Government Whistleblower Exposes $347 Million Contract for Transporting Unaccompanied Minors  (VIDEO 11:22)    By Cristina Laila

Oct. 22, 2024 4:20 pm – Clarissa Rippee, a Contract Specialist working in the General Services Administration (GSA) blew the whistle and exposed a $347 million contract for transporting unaccompanied minors.

“My line in the sand moment was when I found out that GSA had awarded a contract to a company to transport unaccompanied minors,” shared current General Services Administration (GSA) Contract Specialist Clarissa Rippee, revealing shocking details about a $347 million contract awarded to the company responsible for transporting unaccompanied minors across the United States. “It felt like someone kicked me in the gut,” Rippee told James O’Keefe.

Via O’Keefe Media Group:

Rippee, who works inside the General Services Administration (GSA), described the unaccompanied minors as being treated like “commodities… like potato chips on a truck.” The contract, which she highlights as an enormous “big money business,” involves moving children, often separated from their families, under inhumane conditions.

“What you know, you cannot unknow,” Rippee stated, saying that the horrifying conditions she witnessed inspired her to speak out: “It’s about the children, and it’s my duty now to speak up.”

Rippee also noted the troubling normalization of such activities within the government, saying, “It’s just an accepted part of the bureaucracy. But the reality is, this is exploitation, and it has to stop.” Rippee’s revelations come on the heels of Border Patrol Agent Zachary Apotheker (
) blowing the whistle on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection in the film “Line in the Sand.”

Support brave whistleblowers like Rippee and Apotheker by donating to the Citizen Journalist Foundation at https://okeefemediagroup.com/donate/. Your contribution ensures that courageous individuals can step forward and reveal the truth, helping to hold those in power accountable.


[Ed.:  The Federal government is in the business of child trafficking.  The Federal government is an enemy of humanity.  The Federal government is #1 enemy of America!!  Get over it, since the November 5th election is already as good as stolen.  January 6th, the USA will fall into the abyss, and no longer be.  That has been their goal, and they have achieved it. Our civilization has been wiped out by the globalist “New World Order”.  Get over it, if you can.  I can’t, and I won’t.]



Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries is all smiles as he posts $10M bond following sex trafficking arrest   By Alex Oliveira

Oct. 22, 2024, 4:41 p.m. ET – Accused sex-trafficker and former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries was cut loose from court Tuesday after posting a staggering $10 million bond — and grinned for the cameras as he strolled off.

Jeffries looked as if he hadn’t a care in the world as he walked out of federal court in West Palm Beach, Fla., with his legal team, all smiles and looking pure A&F in a pair of preppy white shorts and a navy sweater with a polo.

The 80-year-old is accused of wielding “power, wealth and his influence” to traffic male models for his sexual pleasure across more than a decade while he ran the fashion powerhouse.

The ex-CEO posted a $10M bond after appearing in front of a judge.

Grin and bear it Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries is all smiles as he posts $10M bond following sex trafficking arrest

The 80-year-old is accused of wielding “power, wealth and his influence” to traffic male models for his sexual pleasure across more than a decade while he ran the fashion powerhouse.

Ex-Abercrombie & Fitch CEO’s twisted ‘fantasy land’ included alleged sex assault victims dressed as store greeters

Ex-Abercrombie & Fitch CEO arrested in sex-trafficking probe after allegations he preyed on young models

Ex-Abercrombie & Fitch CEO’s twisted sex-trafficking ring subjected dozens of young models to horrific abuse: feds


‘Abercrombie & Fitch’ Fashion Mogul Arrested on Sex Trafficking Charges   By Ben Kew

Oct. 22, 2024 10:15 am – The former CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch, Mike Jeffries, and his British partner, Matthew Smith, have been arrested on charges of sex trafficking.

The couple, along with an alleged intermediary, were taken into custody on Tuesday morning. The FBI and the prosecutor’s office are expected to release further details at an upcoming press conference.

“The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York has launched a criminal investigation of the alleged events and occurrences discussed in Plaintiff’s Complaint,” prosecutors wrote in a court filing.

The attorney for the plaintiff, Brad Edwards of Edwards Henderson, told ABC News: “As we laid out in our lawsuit, this was an Abercrombie run, sex trafficking organization that permeated throughout the company and allowed the three individuals arrested today to victimize dozens and dozens of young, aspiring male models.”

Legal representatives for Jeffries and Smith, who have previously “vehemently denied” any allegations of misconduct, are yet to comment on their arrest.

Last year, The Gateway Pundit reported how a lawsuit filed by former model David Bradberry had accused Jeffries of sex trafficking, sexual misconduct and rape.

“Abercrombie cared about profiting and showed absolute loyalty to Jeffries, including a willingness to spend copious amounts of money on extravagant drug and sex parties, ignoring multiple red flags of criminality in Jeffries’s corporate account activity,” the complaint stated.

“With Abercrombie’s complicity, Jeffries was free to sexually abuse dozens of men, paying a tremendous amount of cash in hush money, without the fear of detection by law enforcement,” the complaint claims.

Founded in 1892, the company was originally known for outdoor gear and sporting goods. It later transformed into a global brand specializing in casual wear for young adults.

The company gained notoriety in the late 1990s and early 2000s for its provocative marketing, exclusive image, and controversial practices, including criticisms of its hiring and advertising strategies.

In 2022, Netflix released a documentary White Hot: The Rise & Fall of Abercrombie & Fitch examining the brand’s controversial techniques and allegations of discrimination that led to its eventual decline.


Giuliani forced to fork over ritzy NYC penthouse, Mercedes to Georgia election workers   By Ben Kochman

Oct. 22, 2024, 3:29 p.m. ET  New York Post – Giuliani’s luxury apartment on the Upper East Side must be handed over to Georgia election workers, a judge ruled.

The ruling Tuesday in the former Big Apple mayor’s $148 million defamation case calls on Giuliani to hand over his E. 66th St. apartment, a Mercedes-Benz Model SL500, sports memorabilia, other valuables and cash to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.

A federal jury awarded the two Georgia election workers the whopping judgment at a December 2023 trial.

The judge has yet to rule on whether the former New York City mayor will also need to hand over his valuable Yankees World Series rings.

[Ed.:  … and I thought I had problems!  This is an outrage.]


Senior Pentagon Employee Named as Leaker of Israeli Retaliatory Strike Plans to Iran – Was Previously Outed as Iran Spy But Was Kept on Anyway   By Jim Hoft

Oct. 22, 2024 1:20 pm – The JewishPress.com reported:

A Pentagon official told Sky News in Arabic that the investigation being conducted by intelligence agencies in Washington into the leaking to Tehran documents of the IDF plan to strike Iran has begun to indicate “suspicion” of the involvement of a senior employee in the Pentagon.

The American official added that the employee suspected of leaking the documents is an American of Iranian origin named Ariane Tabatabai.

Ariane Tabatabai is an Iranian-American scholar of political science, writer, and senior policy advisor to the United States Department of Defense. After the Biden administration took office in January 2021, she joined the US negotiating team in nuclear negotiations with Iran. Between 2021 and 2022, she served as an advisor to Robert Malley, the chief promoter of pushing a deal with Iran at any cost.

Members of the US Congress, especially Republicans, have pointed out that Robert Malley was investigated after being suspected of having dealt with classified information without prior permission and of having secret contacts with Iranian figures.

Tablet Magazine accused Tabatabai of being an Iranian agent.

According to the information obtained by Sky News Arabia, the suspect Ariane Tabatabai, who has not been convicted yet, works as the director of the office of the Assistant to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin for Special Operations and International Conflicts.

We Iranians always knew who Ariane Tabatabai is. We tried to warn you.

She has now been implicated by @IsraelHayomHeb as the person who leaked Israel’s attack plans to the regime in Iran.

Next time, LISTEN TO US. pic.twitter.com/fsMfwJ6pVa

✡︎ (@NiohBerg) October 22, 2024

Ariane Tabatabai was previously called out as an Iranian spy.

Kash Patel outed Ariane Tabatabai in October, 2023 in an interview with Steve Bannon.

Kash Patel: Robert Malley, Biden’s number one envoy, the guy that’s supposed to be keeping us out of war in Iran had his clearance, security clearance suspended by Chris Wray’s FBI, of all people, just two months ago! You got to ask why? They won’t publicly release it. Well, let me tell you why. Because an individual named Ariane Tabatabai, who, by the way, is currently running our special operations office at the department of Defense, was installed there by Robert Malley? Yes, the former presidential envoy to Iran installed this Iranian national to that position in DoD. – And do you know what she did in 2014? She emailed the Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, and asked for permission as a US. Citizen to take a trip on behalf of the US. Government. This individual is still employed at the Department of Defense as the assistant chief of staff for the special operations office. The Iranian regime has infiltrated the Biden administration.



Gen. Flynn Responds to Facebook Ban Just Before Election Day: ‘Election Interference of the Highest Form’   By Michael Austin

Oct. 22, 2024 12:40 pm  The Western Journal – Facebook permanently disabled the account of retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn without warning Thursday, just a few weeks before Election Day.

Flynn, a prominent voice in conservatism, served as the national security advisor under President Donald Trump’s administration.

Flynn is also a frequent contributor to The Western Journal.

In comments sent exclusively to The Western Journal, Flynn responded to the ban.

“Facebook, without warning, and just prior to the most historically consequential presidential election in U.S. History, blatantly and intentionally censored me from their platform,” he wrote.

“This is election interference of the highest form and absolutely demonstrates once again the lies spewed by the totalitarian regime running FB of their strong desire to keep President Donald J. Trump from serving as our 47th President.

“This behavior cannot stand in a free, open and transparent society where our freedom of speech is at severe risk and the FB tyrants prove once again how they are anti-free speech and how they continue to meddle in US elections.”

It appears Flynn is far from the only conservative to be banned from the social media platform in recent days.

Patrick Brown, the owner of The Western Journal, was also banned from the platform on Monday.

Though Brown never posts to his personal account, it is used to run various pages affiliated with The Western Journal, including the company’s main Facebook page.

So, as a result of the ban, The Western Journal’s reach and distribution capabilities were severely impacted.

Brown’s account was restored roughly four hours later without explanation.

Though the full extent to which bans are taking place on Facebook remains undetermined, various anecdotal reports of similar bans without warning have popped up on X in recent days.

The Western Journal reached out to Facebook to comment on the bans but has yet to receive a response.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.


BREAKING: VIDEO Shows How Anyone in US or Anywhere in the World Can Create and Print Official Ballot for Made Up Voter at Any Questionable King County, Washington Address   By Jim Hoft

Oct. 22, 2024 10:30 am – X user EricaPNW released a video on Monday demonstrating how easy it is for anyone in the US or anywhere in the world can create and print an official ballot for a fake voter at any address in King County Washington.

What a great tool for those who hate America!

EricaPNW used Democracy Live’s Omniballot to create a ballot for a fake voter in Washington State. It only took a couple minutes.

EricaPNW explains how this is done in her video:

EricaPNW: So I was messing around on the King County Omniballet website on the portal, and I entered some fake information. I just made up a name and a birthday and entered it into the voter lookup. So of course, I wasn’t surprised at all when it came back that they couldn’t find that voter’s information.

But when it did, it gave me an option to either search again or Or I could look up the ballot by the address. So I gave that a shot. And I used an address that has been suspicious. It’s like some homeless services or food bank or something of that sort in Seattle. And once I did that, it asked me to enter my name and information again and my address and information again. So I just reentered the same information of the fake voter, and I pushed Continue. And it pulls up this question asking if I’m an overseas voter or a service voter, and I just clicked No, and I clicked continue.

So At that point, it brings up this thing that says, official ballot, where it lets me make my selections on the ballot. I only picked a few just to see what would happen.

And, I scrolled to the bottom and I pushed ‘Continue.’

And then it was letting me review my selections that I had entered in. And I again scrolled to the bottom and clicked ‘Continue.’

After a moment, it pops up with a box that allows me to download my ballot packet. So I download the ballot packet, and this is what it provides me. It’s an official ballot the ballot packet instructions, the signature form, what looks like the front of an envelope to King County Elections with their address on it, and this official-looking ballot that says official ballot on it.

I just made an official ballot for a made-up voter using some random name and birthday and entering in an address, and I’ve got a ballot.

Here is the video:  https://twitter.com/i/status/1848229541002744149

Erica posted a link to the online website. She says she is hoping this site is shut down.

Democracy Live‘s Omniballot boasts of being the leader in remote voting technologies.

From their website.

The Democracy Live product line consists of the OmniBallot Portal and the OmniBallot Tablet. The OmniBallot Portal is a fully accessible, remote balloting and elections portal used by over 20 million voters since 2008.  OmniBallot Tablet is an off-the-shelf, HAVA compliant ballot marking device used in hundreds of polling locations throughout the U.S.

They even have a video.

Continue reading


Warden Admits to Illegally Imprisoning Steve Bannon in Violation of the First Step Act — Should Have Been Released on Oct. 19   By Jim Hft

Oct. 22, 2024 9:15 am – The Bureau of Prisons (BOP) has admitted to holding former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon illegally, in violation of the First Step Act (FSA) of 2018.

The First Step Act, which was signed by President Trump, reduced mandatory minimum sentences and expanded the safety valve. The safety valve allows courts to sentence low-level, nonviolent drug offenders to less than the required mandatory minimum.

A letter obtained by The Tennessee Star, addressed to Bannon’s legal team, confirms that Bannon, who was due for early release under accrued good time credits, has not been released due to bureaucratic delays purportedly caused by the Biden-Harris regime.

Steve Bannon’s lawyers filed a motion on August 29, urging for his immediate release and questioning why the government’s response to his petition has been delayed for over 75 days.

Steve Bannon has been incarcerated at the Federal Correctional Institute in Danbury, Connecticut, serving a four-month sentence for defying a congressional subpoena from the sham House select committee investigating the events of January 6, 2021.

According to the letter from Acting Warden Darek Puzio, Bannon earned 10 FSA time credits, which should have allowed for his transfer to home confinement three days ago, on October 19, 2024.

However, the warden’s letter states that the BOP found there to be “insufficient time” to process Bannon’s transfer to home confinement, leaving him to serve out the remainder of his sentence until the scheduled release date next week, October 29, 2024.

The Tennessee Star reported:

A letter sent by the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to attorneys representing Steve Bannon, wherein the federal agency acknowledged it is holding the former White House chief strategist in violation of the First Step Act (FSA) of 2018, as Bannon accrued 10 days of good time credit toward an early release:

“To date, Mr. Bannon has earned 10 First Step Act (“FSA”) time credits. These credits would typically be applied toward early transfer to supervision pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 3624 (g) (3). However, Mr. Bannon does not have a term of supervision following his term of imprisonment. Thus, his 10 FSA time credits can only be applied toward prerelease custody placement in a Residential Reentry Center or on home confinement.”

Bannon’s attorneys filed the letter as part of an effort to secure an earlier release but it was sent to Bannon’s lawyers by the Acting Warden at the Federal Correctional Institute (FCI) in Danbury, Connecticut, where Bannon is serving a four-month sentence after he was convicted in 2022 for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena from the House select committee that investigated January 6.

Acting Warden Darek Puzio said that “Mr. Bannon has earned 10 First Step Act (“FSA”) time credits,” which the warden additionally acknowledged “would typically be applied toward early transfer to supervision,” but noted that Bannon was not sentenced to any form of supervised release.

According to Puzio, this means Bannon can only use his credits, which the BOP typically calls good time credits, to secure a transfer to home confinement for the remainder of his sentence. However, the federal official claimed there is insufficient time left in Bannon’s sentence to arrange this and that the BOP department responsible for such arrangements “will not accept placements under 30 days.”

While confirming FCI Danbury and the BOP are willfully ignoring the good time credit accrued by Bannon, the warden nonetheless acknowledged the former Trump adviser “will be released on his full-term release date of October 29, 2024.”

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Steve Bannon has accused the Biden-Harris administration of unlawfully keeping him in prison beyond his release date.

“Kamala Harris is the ‘Queen of Mass Incarcerations,’” Bannon told National Pulse, pointing out her troubled history with minority communities.

“Detested by black and hispanic men who are refusing to turn out and vote for her. She has done nothing to implement President Trump’s heroic First Step Act, in fact welcoming hundreds of thousands of hardened illegal migrant criminals while allowing US citizens eligible for early release to rot in prison. No mass deportations, but continual mass incarcerations,” Bannon added.

“Harris will lose this election on her inability to get black and hispanic men to vote for her in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Phoenix, and Las Vegas. The four years she did nothing for family reunification of American citizen prisoners while genuflecting to illegal alien criminals is coming back to bite her. Her Indian heritage surely taught her: Karma is a Bitch.”

“The Harris Bureau of Prisons is illegally holding me past my legal release date–trying to eliminate one of President Trump’s strongest advocates–these criminals reek of desperation,” he concluded.

Read more:


Ron Paul Warns That the US Military Was Just “Authorized to KILL Americans on US Soil … I Think It’s Very, Very Dangerous.”  [VIDEO 3:11]   LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY

“It’s not a law, it’s a DoD Directive”

OCT 16, 2024


Daniel McAdams: “It’s not a law, it’s a DoD Directive. So, this is the administrative state, where they take over, they don’t pass laws.

It’s a DoD Directive that was re-issued September 27, 2024.

It governs the Department of Defense intelligence activities, and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force in certain circumstances, and it supplants the 2016 version which did not mention that.”

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Iran’s Mole in the Pentagon: The Biden-Harris National Security Catastrophe Unfolds

OCT 22, 2024  Politique Republic

The FBI and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) are reportedly investigating Christopher Maier, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, as the potential source of a recent leak of highly classified, top secret documents. The leaked materials are said to concern Israeli preparations for a potential strike against Iran—a grave matter for both national and international security. This investigation not only focuses on Maier’s office but also sheds light on the personnel under his oversight, particularly Ariane Tabatabai, a Pentagon official suspected of having ties to Iranian influence networks. Together, their activities underscore a chilling vulnerability deliberately fostered within the U.S. defense and intelligence infrastructure by the Biden-Harris regime.

Christopher Maier is no stranger to Iranian policy matters, nor is he unfamiliar with capitulation. His career has often intersected with issues involving Iran, including his time in the National Counterterrorism Center during the Obama administration, where he focused on countering Iranian proxy activities across the Middle East—allegedly. The Obama-era Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or the Iran Nuclear Deal, was controversial from its inception, with critics rightly asserting that the deal was a poorly executed compromise, filled with weak promises, and orchestrated by those who sought appeasement over American strength. Maier’s involvement in facilitating and implementing counterterrorism measures in line with this disastrous diplomatic endeavor has led many to question his judgment and loyalties, particularly as new allegations of leaks surface. Under the Biden-Harris regime, these dubious loyalties seem to have found fertile ground.

The investigation into Maier is further complicated by his relationship with Ariane Tabatabai, a figure whose presence in the Pentagon should have been an immediate red flag to any administration serious about national security. Tabatabai, an outspoken supporter of the JCPOA, entered government under the Biden-Harris regime in early 2021 and has since been working with Maier in the Office of Low Intensity Conflict and Special Operations. The Biden-Harris regime brought her aboard, despite her history of connections with Iranian influence networks—networks that pose a direct threat to American security interests. Despite public advocacy for the JCPOA, which she praised as a crucial diplomatic success, leaked communications indicate that Tabatabai maintained backchannel contacts with Iranian officials, even discussing her role in the U.S. government with them. It is the ultimate act of negligence, or worse, willful malfeasance, that someone so closely tied to Iran remains in her sensitive Pentagon position to this day.

This investigation highlights the dangerous laxity of the Biden-Harris regime toward America’s adversaries. The same Robert Malley, a lead architect of the ill-fated Iran Nuclear Deal, played a key role in Tabatabai’s recruitment. Malley himself is under scrutiny for security clearance violations, further emphasizing the apparent disregard for safeguarding America’s intelligence community. Malley’s relationship with Tabatabai and his decision to embed her in a senior position within Maier’s office signals a clear willingness on the part of the Biden-Harris administration to prioritize diplomacy with Tehran over the safety and security of the American people. This administration has consistently waived sanctions while pretending to impose them, freeing up over $100 billion for the world’s biggest state sponsor of terror. Such moves have generated outrage not just domestically but also among allies like Israel, who rightly view the JCPOA and its architects as compromising regional security and emboldening Iran’s terror apparatus.

Maier and Tabatabai’s involvement at the highest levels of the Pentagon is a testament to just how thoroughly compromised parts of America’s defense and intelligence infrastructure have become under the Biden-Harris regime. If, as alleged, classified documents concerning Israel’s potential military plans have been leaked from Maier’s office, the implications are not just of domestic incompetence but of international betrayal—a betrayal that strengthens our enemies while jeopardizing our closest allies. Israel, a steadfast American ally, cannot afford to have its security undermined by the whims of a regime in Washington that appears determined to enable Tehran at every turn. Iran continues to fund proxy militias and to openly call for Israel’s destruction, yet Biden and Harris see fit to staff critical offices with individuals who have no problem giving Tehran the upper hand.

The current situation demands nothing short of a full purge of compromised individuals from America’s intelligence community—individuals whose loyalties are divided or who simply don’t believe in American preeminence. Officials like Ariane Tabatabai and Christopher Maier, who work at cross purposes with American interests, have no place within the halls of power. They are the embodiment of an administration more interested in appeasing dictators and despots than defending the American people or our allies. For the sake of our soldiers, our citizens, and our partners like Israel, the intelligence community must restore its credibility and assertiveness. That means identifying, scrutinizing, and ultimately removing those who, like Tabatabai and Maier, act to weaken America from within. Anything less is an invitation to more leaks, greater vulnerability, and continued betrayal—all at the expense of our national security.

If you believe in holding our leaders accountable and securing America’s future, now is the time to speak out. Share, subscribe, and support the fight to purge our government of those who act against our interests. Together, we can demand better.


EXPOSED: GA SOS Raffensperger Secretly Raising Millions Through Newly Created Organization to Silence Election Officials Fighting for Election Integrity — Georgia GOP Chairman Blasts Raffensperger’s Corrupt Tactics   By Jim Hft

Oct. 22, 2024 7:30 am – Georgia’s dirty Secretary of State Brad Brad Raffensperger is at it again, this time caught secretly soliciting millions in what appears to be a desperate attempt to control Georgia’s 2024 election.

Kylie Jane Kremer, Executive Director of Women for America First, revealed the shocking details of Raffensperger’s private email sent to trial lawyers across the state.

In a blatant abuse of power, Raffensperger allegedly used his personal Gmail and cell number to ask for a jaw-dropping $5 million by November 1st to fund his mysterious “Election Defense Fund, Inc,” which was created last year.

But let’s be real—it’s not about “defending” elections; it’s about weaponizing power against those fighting for election integrity!

In his email, Raffensperger claims that his 501(c)(4) organization is dedicated to protecting this year’s election results, targeting local officials who may delay certification. But this is nothing more than a cover-up for silencing the brave patriots standing up against election fraud!

Raffensperger specifically singled out three members of the State Election Board—Dr. Jan Johnson, Janelle King, and Rick Jeffries—who have been at the forefront of enforcing new rules to safeguard Georgia’s elections.

It can be recalled that these three Patriots previously implemented rules that required enhanced verification measures, such as signature matching, video surveillance of ballot drop boxes, and hand counting of physical paper ballots at the precinct level, all to curb election fraud and provide confidence in election results.

RINO Governor Brian Kemp even asked the Georgia Attorney General whether he has the authority to remove the three Georgia State Election Board members who are implementing election integrity reforms.

The email, sent to a listserv of Georgia trial lawyers, lays out a plan to target and harass election officials who challenge results, labeling them as “election deniers” and “conspiracy theorists.”

The email from Raffensperger reads:

As Georgia’s Secretary of State, I have held both parties accountable to you the voter for six years, and now I am asking for your help.

Across the country and including here in Georgia, election deniers and conspiracy theorists have taken their anger to new levels, employing a variety of tactics including intimidation, legal challenges, and rule changes.

In Georgia, they have threatened, harassed, and sued election officials.

And as you know, most recently the Georgia State Election Board was taken over by three individuals who have pledged to put partisanship over sworn duty

These members ot the State Board passed a measure that would empower local officials to refuse or delay certification of a county’s election results, creating the potential for another disputed and contentious post-election period in November. A few weeks ago they passed additional new rules, one rule that will require ballots to be hand-counted.

We all know the results in Georgia are going to be close, one way or the other. As Georgia’s Secretary of State, I am committed to free, fair, and fast elections and must demand the law is followed and the integrity of the election process and results are maintained.

Election Defense Fund, Inc. was created to stand up to this.

Election Defense Fund, Inc. is a 501(c) (4) dedicated to protecting this year’s election results, and standing up against those who attempt to delay certification.

EDF will identify local election officials who are most likely to not certify or otherwise attempt to interfere with results; educate the public to remind election officials of their duty to follow the law and the potential consequences of not doing potential consequences of not doing so; support lawsuits that seek to force election officials to uphold their legal duties, and defend election officials who are harassed, targeted, or sued for doing their lawful duties.

Perhaps most importantly, Election Defense Fund, Inc. intend to launch a robust program to respond to combat disinformation and go directly to voters via digital ads.

Election Defense Fund, Inc. can accept unlimited contributions.

Contributions are confidential and not disclosed to the public. I have attached a contribution form that contains check and wire instructions.

You can also make a contribution online at https://electionsdefensefund.com/

I have copied Allison Meyers on this email. Please feel free to reach out to her with any questions at [redacted]

This effort must be funded quickly.

Our goal is to raise a minimum of $5 Million before November 1st. I appreciate your timely consideration.

Please feel free to call me anytime.

Thank you,



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Can Our Elections Be Stolen By Fake Overseas Voters? WATCH The Top US UOCAVA Expert Answer This Question and More  [VIDEO]   By Patty Mcmurray

Oct. 22, 2024 8:00 am – On Monday, Jim Hoft, Editor and Publisher of The Gateway Pundit, and The Gateway Pundit Investigative Journalist Patty McMurray sat down with UOCAVA Expert and Professional Investigator Heather Honey.
During our interview, we discussed the potential risks of allowing non-military, overseas voters to vote in our elections without having to prove their identity or even their citizenship in many cases.

Recently, the potential Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) crisis came to our attention when Democrats began telegraphing that overseas voters could be the key in 2024 to winning and perhaps even overturning the election results one week or more AFTER the election.

Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Zoom Call With Hollywood Celebrities and Social Media Influencers To Discuss Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election

Heather Honey has been working with attorney Erick Kaardal on several lawsuits in swing states, including Pennsylvania, where five US congressmen are suing the top election officials in the must-win swing state for telling clerks to ignore any eligibility requirements for UOCAVA voters as required by state law.

FINALLY: Five US Congressmen Sue PA Election Officials After They Tell Clerks To EXCLUDE ANY VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS For Overseas Voter Applicants

On Monday, lawsuits filed by the RNC against top election officials in North Carolina and Michigan that demanded UOCAVA voters prove they live in the state where they are registering to vote were dismissed.

Judges Reject RNC Lawsuits in Michigan and North Carolina on UOCAVA Ballots Allowing Overseas Voters to Cast Ballots in Michigan Despite Never Living There

MI SOS Jocelyn Benson, who has, to date, won 10 election-related lawsuits, gloated about the decision by the liberal Court of Claims Judge appointed by Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Democrats cleverly, don’t refer to UOCAVA voters as overseas voters, but instead as “US Military voters“ and their families. The media is helping them to push the false narrative that the GOP is trying to disenfranchise US Military voters by insisting overseas voters provide a valid form of ID and prove previous residency or residency tied to a parent or guardian living in the state where they are registering to vote.

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Judges Reject RNC Lawsuits in Michigan and North Carolina on UOCAVA Ballots Allowing Overseas Voters to Cast Ballots in Michigan Despite Never Living There   By Patty Mcmurray

Oct. 21, 2024 7:20 pm – Judges in Michigan and North Carolina separately rejected RNC lawsuits on UOCAVA or overseas voting in US elections.

The RNC in Michigan challenged the rule by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson that voters who never resided in Michigan could cast their overseas ballot and have it count in Michigan.

The Michigan judge said the lawsuit was an attempt to “disenfranchise” voters.

The North Carolina judge said Republicans “presented no substantial evidence” of the fraud they claimed they were trying to prevent.

According to CNN:

The RNC sued in Michigan and North Carolina to block state policies that allow for citizens abroad to cast ballots in those states if their parents (or, in Michigan, their spouse) resided in those states before leaving the country, even if the voters themselves never lived there.

Judge Sima Patel of Michigan’s Court of Claims said in her ruling that Republicans were too late in filing their lawsuit, calling it “11th hour attempt to disenfranchise” spouses and children of former Michigan residents who now live abroad.

In North Carolina, Wake County Superior Court Judge John W. Smith denied the RNC’s request for an emergency court order that would require election officials to set aside ballots from overseas voters who hadn’t themselves lived in the state.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson cheered the news.

Jocelyn Benson: A win for voters and democracy today in Michigan! A federal court upheld our work to ensure military service members and their families serving overseas can vote, rejecting the RNC lawsuit as an “11th hour attempt to disenfranchise these electors.”

Our Patty McMurray responded: As long as you’re an actual person, and a U.S. citizen, you have every right to vote. The lawsuit was about preventing fraudulent votes. It had NOTHING to do with “military voters” or their families—quite the opposite in fact. The lawsuit was to PROTECT their sacred vote from being canceled by nefarious individuals or groups by using a system that makes it easy to cheat. But Jocelyn Michelle Benson knows that.


MULTIPOLARITY: BRICS Summit Kicks off Tomorrow in Kazan, Russia – 36 Countries Are Present, Including 20 Heads of State – ‘Dedollarization’ Is on Everyone’s Mind   By Paul Serran

Oct. 21, 2024 6:40 pm – Everything is ready for this Tuesday’s opening of the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia. For President Vladimir Putin will it will be an opportunity to personally engage with multiple world leaders, including China’s Xi Jinping, India’s Narendra Modi, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iran’s Masoud Pezeshkian.

The multipolarity is on, and dedollarization is on everyone’s minds.

Associated Press reported:

“They will all be in the Russian city of Kazan on Tuesday for a meeting of the BRICS bloc of developing economies, defying predictions that the war in Ukraine and an international arrest warrant against Putin would turn him into a pariah.”

The alliance is representative of the ‘Global South’, and is a real threat to the world order instituted by the western powers after WW2.

Initially, the group was formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – but lately it started to rapidly expand.

Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia joined in January; Turkey, Azerbaijan and Malaysia also formally applied, along with a rather large number of other countries who have expressed a desire to join.

Russia sees the meeting as a great success. 36 countries confirmed participation, and of those, more than 20 will send heads of state.

Putin will hold around 20 bilateral meetings in ‘the largest foreign policy event ever held on Russian soil’. How’s that for isolation?

For many participants, the Summit is a chance to amplify their voices and narratives.

“’The beauty of BRICS is that it doesn’t put too many obligations on you’, said Alexander Gabuyev, director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center. ‘There are not that many strings attached, really, to being part of BRICS. And at the same time, there might be interesting opportunities coming your way, including just having more face time with all of these leaders’.”

A new payment system project is on the works that wants to be an alternative to the global bank messaging network SWIFT, allowing countries to settle their transactions in national currencies.

“’The Russian idea is that if you create a platform where there is China, Russia, India and Brazil and Saudi Arabia, many countries that are vital partners for the U.S., the U.S. will not be ready to go after this platform and sanction it’,” Gabuyev said.”

Russia will also sign a ‘strategic partnership treaty’ with Iran.

Of course, the Putin and China’s Xi Jinping is the most anticipated.

“The summit will allow Xi and Putin to flaunt their close relationship. The two, who announced a ‘no-limits’ partnership weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, already have met at least twice this year, in Beijing in May and at a SCO summit in Kazakhstan in July.”

And, of course, there’s India.

An expected Modi-Putin meeting could see some rebalancing of their time-tested ties.

“’India can’t simply abandon Russia because of its deep defense ties, the question of the regional balance of power, and the logic of multi-alignment’, said Raja Mohan, a professor at the Institute of South Asian Studies in Singapore. ‘At the same time, it also builds and develops its relations with the U.S. and the West because that is where the logic of India’s major economic development and technological growth depends on partnership’.”

It is often understood that India and Brazil view BRICS primarily as an economic forum, while China and Russia see it more as a geopolitical group.

Another key participant this year is Turkey, a NATO member and European Union candidate which has ALSO applied to join the BRICS group.

Read more:


Did Brad Raffensperger Just Telegraph the 2024 Steal in Georgia? He’s Going to Accept UOCAVA Votes for 3 EXTRA DAYS! Are Republicans Paying Attention?   By Jim Hoft

Oct. 21, 2024 8:00 am – Today, we know that in 2020, Joe Biden received all of the military and overseas votes in Fulton County, Georgia.

All 900 ballots counted in Fulton County went for Joe Biden.


We also know today that the election workers who secretly counted ballots in the State Farm Center late at night on election night were counting the overseas or UOCAVA ballots.

In December 2020, Rudy Giuliani and Attorney Jacki Pick told a Georgia Senate committee that 93% of the military ballots in Georgia went for Joe Biden.

Although this was shocking news, we saw similar results in other battleground states.

It was not until much later that we learned that these were not just military votes. The overseas ballots included military and US citizens living abroad. They are listed as UOCAVA voters.

Despite citizens flocking home to America’s shores in 2020 due to fears of COVID-19, non-military UOCAVA voters more than doubled to 573,000 from 2016 numbers of around 228,000. Meanwhile, military overseas voters dropped to 37% of total UOCAVA voters.

Considering, in 2020, just 44,000 votes across Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin votes “won” Joe Biden the presidency, it is not surprising Democrats are focusing on UOCAVA votes again this year.

As reported earlier by Patty McMurray,

The DNC’s stated goal of winning the votes of approximately 9 million Americans through its Democrats Abroad website seems impossible, given that according to a recent report by the federal government FVAP website, only 4.4 million US citizens reside overseas, and only 2.8 million of those are of voting age.

Reuters recently wrote about the DNC’s plan to spend $300,000 to register “9 million” UOCAVA voters leading up to the 2024 election. According to the government website FVAP, there are only 2.8 million eligible UOCAVA voters. Let’s assume that half of those eligible voters would vote Democrat (a generous assumption given the state of the US economy); that’s only 1.4 million eligible voters in the 2024 election. The 1.4 million number doesn’t account for how they would vote or even if they would vote, given that a meager number of eligible overseas voters actually vote.

Curiously, the DNC memo claims that “over 1.6 million Americans from the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin” live overseas, adding that they plan to “fight for every vote.”

They share the chart with their UOCAVA population estimates for each battleground state.

The total number of swing state voters in the Democrat chart comes out to 1,625,136 voters.

The US government says there are 2.8 million total overseas eligible US voters.

Democrats want you to believe that over half of those eligible overseas voters have a residence in the crucial swing states!  That is absurd!

The Gateway Pundit has also reported that The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) allows online voter registrations without verification of identity or citizenship status.

US Citizens in the USA who would like to register to vote must share the last four digits of their social security number and/or provide a driver’s license or state-issued ID.

UOCAVA voters, however, can bypass the requirement to share the last four digits of their social security number and/or provide a driver’s license or state-issued ID.

The screenshot below shows how the Democrat Party website, much like the federal government’s website, registers UOCAVA voters to vote in US elections and allows the user to bypass the ID portion of the online registration process.

UOCAVA opens the door to unlimited foreign voter voting.

Here are a few additional details about UOCAVA voters who register to vote on the FAVP or Federal Voting Assistance Program application (a federal government website) or the Democrat-funded website VoteFromAbroad.org:

– Applicants may choose any state or address they wish to vote in.

– No one verifies that these registrants ever lived at the address they list or that they have any connection to that state.

In their memo, Democrats share a chart outlining the number of estimated voters they plan to work to register in each battleground state before the 2024 election.

On Sunday, Georgia’s controversial Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced that Georgia will be collecting UOCAVA ballots for three days after the election!

“75% of all the vote totals will be reported no later than 8pm on election night… What we will be waiting for is the overseas ballots that come in no later than Friday,” Raffensperger said during the interview.

Raffesnperger is clearly broadcasting the steal in Georgia!

Are Republicans paying attention yet?


Dominion Voting Systems Issues a Chilling Warning to Conservatives Weeks Before The Election   By Ben Kew

Oct. 20, 2024 4:40 pm – Dominion Voting Systems has issued a chilling warning to conservatives just weeks before the all-important presidential election.

In a post on the X platform, the company said that it was “closely monitoring” claims that its machines may be compromised.

“Dominion is closely monitoring claims around the Nov. 2024 election and strongly encourages use of verified, credible sources of info,” the post says.

“We remain fully prepared to defend our company & our customers against lies and those who spread them.”

The post has received over two million interactions, although the company has turned comments off so as to try and prevent a hostile response.

In the website linked to the post, Dominion insists that it is a U.S. company headquarter in Colorado with “no ownership ties to George Soros, foreign leaders (including no financial ties to the Chinese government), or U.S. political party leaders.”

The site also provides links to numerous “fact checks” from mainstream media websites affirming that it has never been responsible for election related crimes or voter fraud.

“Thousands of audits and recounts since November 2020 have confirmed the accuracy and integrity of election results and verified the reliability of Dominion’s certified voting systems,” it states.

“Dominion is taking action to set the record straight and defend our company, our customers, and our democracy,” it continues.

Their warning comes after Dominion was embroiled in controversy following the 2020 presidential election and its alleged role in the widespread voter fraud operation that handed victory to Joe Biden.

In April last year, Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News agreed to pay a staggering $787 million settlement to the Dominion after they were sued for $1.6 billion over “false election rigging claims.”

Dominions’ post was the first time that the company has posted on the X platform since October 2022, the same time that Elon Musk purchased Twitter.

Musk, who has over 200 million followers, has expressed his concerns about voting machines and said they should be removed from the electoral process entirely.

“We should eliminate electronic voting machines,” he wrote back in June. “The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high.”


WATCH: “I Think We Should Not Allow Voting Machines of Any Kind” – Elon Musk Calls for One-Day Voting on Paper Ballots With No Voting Machines   By Jordan Conradson

Oct. 20, 2024 8:00 pm – Elon Musk delivered remarks at a town hall on Sunday in Pennsylvania, where he called out the rigging of our elections and called for elections with “paper ballots in person with ID.”

“I’d be happy if it was just that, you know, citizens voted. You know, I call that a win, he told the crowd. “If we can just make sure that only legal citizens can vote, which is how it’s supposed to be, I’d say that’d be quite a victory compared to what we have right now.”

A massive crowd turned out to see Elon Musk today. Here’s a look at the line via Matthew Smith on X:

Elon Musk has been on the campaign trail for Donald Trump over the past week. As The Gateway Pundit reported, Musk was in the swing state for a Wednesday town hall event and told the crowd, “This election, I think, is going to decide the fate of America, and along with the fate of America, the fate of Western civilization.”

This is why the Democrats are trying to stop him. The Gateway Pundit reported on Sunday that Musk is now coming under fire from Democrats like Pennsylvania’s Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro, who said law enforcement should ‘take a look’ at the billionaire entrepreneur’s daily $1 million giveaway to signers of his petition in support of constitutional rights.

This is how much the Democrats hate our Constitution. They want to criminalize petitioning in support of our rights as Americans.

The event venue for tonight’s event was completely filled hours before Elon took the stage:

During the event, Elon spoke about electronic voting machines, sharing that in his experience computers are “easy” to hack and that “the last thing we want to do is have electronic voting machines.”

Watch below:

Musk: Well, I mean, frankly, I’d be happy if it was just that, you know, citizens voted. You know, I call that a win. If we can just make sure that only legal citizens can vote, which is how it’s supposed to be, I’d say that’d be quite a victory compared to what we have right now. So just—and I think having more transparency on elections, maximum transparency on elections, and as I’ve said before, I think we should not allow voting machines of any kind. So, you know, I’ve been programming computers since I was nine years old. And, you know, I know how easy it is to, you know, get a line of software wrong or hack a computer. And so, I think the last thing we want to do is have electronic voting machines. We want paper ballots in person with ID.

And actually sort of, in terms of a real AI danger that hopefully is not there this year, but will certainly be a danger in the future, is that advanced AI will be super good at hacking computers. And so, if you have voting machines that are connected to the internet, and you’ve got super advanced AI that can potentially affect those machines, I think that’s very dangerous. So what I’m saying is that I’m normally someone who favors technology. I’m super; you know, I’m a 21st century technology boy, right here. And I’m saying no, no machines for voting.


Kiev’s Nuclear Blackmail: Ukraine May Be Considering Deploying a ‘Dirty Bomb’ To Escalate the War and Drag NATO Into WW3   By Paul Serran

Oct. 20, 2024 10:00 am – The most absurd development of recent days in the war in Ukraine was the threat – against the western nations – by President Volodymyr Zelensky that ‘either Kiev is seated on NATO once and for all, or they’ll get nuclear weapons’.

This demented rambling has been walked back repeatedly, but there’s something about it that merits examining, because it may point to Ukraine having decided to use a ‘dirty bomb’, a crude artifact with nuclear waste that could cause radioactive contamination of large sections of territory, and be the catalyst of a worldwide nuclear exchange between the major powers.

The ‘bombshell’ statement (bad pun) from Zelensky came on the sidelines of the EU latest summit in Brussels.

He shockingly clarified: it’s either NATO quickly for Kiev, or Ukraine will once again ‘become a nuclear power’.

Julian Röpcke, on Bild, reported (translated from the German):

“In a conversation with the American presidential candidate Donald Trump a few weeks ago, the Ukrainian declared: “Either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons, and then they will be our defense. Or we will have to enter into some kind of alliance. Apart from NATO, we do not know of any effective alliances today.”

His argument: ‘Which of these major countries, among the nuclear powers, were affected [by war]? All of them? No, only one. Ukraine. Who has renounced nuclear weapons? All of them? Only one. Ukraine. Who is at war today? Ukraine’.”

Zelensky went as far as stating that Trump agreed with him, which is preposterous.

But is that so? Can Ukraine build a bomb in a few weeks?

Röpcke then recalled a report of what a high-ranking Ukrainian official hinted at to BILD and other politicians and officials months ago:

“The West should not believe that Ukraine will accept a second Russian attack on Kiev. Before that happens, it will rebuild its nuclear weapons arsenal, which it has voluntarily given up since the early 1990s. In 2001, Ukraine gave up its last nuclear weapon.”

These explosive details came from high-ranking military officials dealing about the possible Russian invasion of Central and Eastern Ukraine.

“The official specializing in weapons procurement said in a closed meeting: ‘We have the material; we have the knowledge. If the order is given, we will only need a few weeks to have the first bomb.

The West should ‘think less about Russia’s red lines and more about our red lines’, the official warned.”

The pro-Ukrainian internet turned viciously on the German journalist.

Röpcke already posted about this Ukrainian threat back in May, so the late reaction is strange.

Continue reading



House Intel Chair Mike Turner Slams Biden-Harris Regime for Failing to Brief Congress on North Korean Troop Movements into Russia, Demands Red Line Against Ukraine Aggression   By Jim Hft

Oct. 20, 2024 8:30 – House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) delivered a scathing rebuke of the Biden-Harris Administration, accusing it of failing to provide Congress with critical intelligence on the recent movement of North Korean troops into Russian territory.

Turner issued a letter to Joe Biden demanding immediate action and transparency as tensions escalate over North Korea’s growing military involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war.

Turner expressed deep concerns over reports that North Korea has mobilized thousands of soldiers in support of Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, calling the situation a “dangerous and extreme escalation.”

Chairman Turner emphasized that the Biden administration has kept Congress in the dark, neglecting to brief key intelligence and defense committees about the alarming developments.

In his letter to the president, Turner cited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s recent warnings at NATO headquarters, where Zelenskyy alerted world leaders that North Korea has deployed roughly 10,000 troops prepared to join Russia’s fight against Ukraine.


Read the letter below:

Continue reading


Chinese Communist Leader Xi Jinping Orders Military to Prepare for War   By Jim Hft

Oct. 20, 2024 8:45 am – Chinese Communist President Xi Jinping ordered the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to ramp up its preparedness for war, as reported by Chinese state media on Saturday, according to Barrons.

Xi’s call for heightened military readiness comes just days after China conducted large-scale military drills surrounding Taiwan.

While visiting a brigade of the PLA Rocket Force on Thursday, Xi Jinping urged troops to “comprehensively strengthen training and preparation for war” and to ensure they possess “solid combat capabilities.”

This latest move demonstrates the growing intensity of China’s military ambitions and its continued focus on Taiwan, which the Chinese Communist Party views as part of its territory.

Xi’s directive comes in the wake of Beijing’s deployment of fighter jets, drones, warships, and coast guard vessels in a show of force aimed directly at Taiwan, according to Barrons.

The exercises mark the fourth major round of war games targeting the island in just over two years. With each military maneuver, China inches closer to its longstanding threat of using force to bring Taiwan under its control.

This escalation is the direct result of what happens when you have a weak U.S. president in office. Conservatives have long warned that China’s growing aggressiveness would only worsen under an administration that fails to project strength on the world stage.

The Biden regime’s passive stance on foreign policy has emboldened Xi Jinping to push his military ambitions forward.

More from CCTV:

Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged the country’s strategic missile troops to strengthen their deterrence and combat capabilities and resolutely fulfill the tasks entrusted to them by the Party and the people.


Xi demanded efforts to intensify troop training and enhance combat preparedness across the board, and improve combat capabilities, so as to effectively safeguard national strategic security and core interests.

He also emphasized the need to target strengthen training with new equipment, new skills and new combat methods, improve support, and systematically enhance combat capabilities.

Jim Hft   Jim Hft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hft here, and read more of Jim Hft’s articles here.


Biden-Harris Regime Leaked Israel’s Potential Strike Plan Against Iran to a Pro-Iran Operation – And It’s Not the First Time They Leaked Secret Intel to Iran   By Jim Hoft

Oct. 19, 2024 8:40 pm – The Biden-Harris regime continues to thwart Israel in its war against Iran and its proxy states.

On Saturday, The Jerusalem Post reported that two US intelligence documents were leaked to a pro-Iranian operation and then posted on a Telegram account linked to Iran.

The documents that were leaked by the Biden-Harris regime to the pro-Iranian operation detailed Israeli plans for a potential strike plan on Iran.

Both the US Defense Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment on the leaked documents.

The leak comes at a time when Israel is plotting a retalitory strike against Iran following its October 1 missile attack on the Jewish state.

This was not the first time the Biden regime was accused of  leaking Israeli secrets to the Iranian regime.

Last year, in October 2023, House Republicans accused the US. Special Envoy to Iran Robert Malley “may have had a compromising tie to the Iranian regime.”

Robert Malley, a deranged Trump hater, had already been suspended from his position with the Biden regime at the time. The FBI was investigating him, and whether or not he mishandled classified information at the time.

As usual, the FBI has not offered any updates on this investigation since last year.

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) told FOX News at the time that Malley’s security violations were so serious that he was suspended without pay, and his security clearances were suspended as well.

Malley was the Biden regime’s Iran envoy during negotiations on restarting the Iran nuclear deal.

Rep. Michael McCaul: “He’s a special envoy for Iran. He is the principal architect, the negotiator on the Iran deal to resurrect the Iran deal. And the concern is that we tried to get him before my committee to testify, to brief us on Iran, and he was basically AWOL. And then we found out that he was suspended without pay because he had problems with his security clearance. He had compromised classified information, we think, with Iran, and now there’s a wider investigation into this. You can’t make this stuff up, Martha. I mean, between that and the $6 billion they’ve pledged to put into Iran, the largest state sponsor of terror, all in the name of getting another JCPOA deal done, it’s not acceptable to House Republicans.

Via FOX News and Midnight Rider.

The New York Post reported on Robert Malley in August 2023:

President Biden’s special Iran envoy had his security clearance suspended earlier this year after “serious” issues were raised internally about his handling of “protected material,” according to a leaked State Department memo published over the weekend by an Iranian media outlet.

Robert Malley was placed on unpaid leave effective at the end of June, but the State Department declined to specify why, drawing scrutiny from congressional Republicans.

The Tehran Times, an English-language daily newspaper believed to have close ties to the theocracy’s foreign ministry, purported to shed light on the matter Sunday by publishing an April 21 memo labeled “sensitive but unclassified” and addressed to Malley from Erin Smart, director of the Office of Personnel Security and Suitability in the Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

In the memo, Smart wrote that the office “has received information regarding you that raises serious security concerns and can be disqualifying under National Security Adjudicative Guidelines E (Personal Conduct), K (Handling Protected Information) and M (Use of Information Technology).”

Earlier this year, Israel iced out the Biden-Harris regime before launching their deadly strike on Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.

And now the Biden-Harris regime is back to their old tricks – leaking classified documents from Israel to Iran.


Breaking: Netanyahu Assassination Attempt Thwarted – Iranian-Backed Hezbolllah Fails to Murder Israeli Leader in Drone Attack on His Home – Netanyahu Releases Video – Iran Releases Photos   By Jim Hoft

Oct. 19, 2024 3:55 pm – On Saturday, Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei attemped to assassinate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Iranian regime targeted Netanyahu’s home with an Iranian drone.

Iranian-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon released the drone that targeted Netanyahu’s Caesarea home.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video saying the attempted assassination will not deter him.

Iran releases photos of Netanyahu’s home after the attack.

One picture looks like it was taken from someone on the ground.

Meanwhile, The Biden regime continues to fund and coddle Iran.

Clueless Secretary of State Tony Blinken waived sanctions on Iran’s civilian nuclear program and released an estimated $29 million to the radical Islamic regime in 2022.

The Biden regime hopes that Tehran will return to talks if they give them $29 billion. The US gets nothing.

In November 2023, the Joe Biden administration extended a sanctions waiver that allows Iran to collect another $10 billion in funds to assist the mullahs in funding their military operations in the region.

This comes one week after Iranian-backed Houthis attempted to shoot down a US drone in the region and one month after Iran-backed Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,300 Jews in Israel and took another 240 Jews hostage.

It was the deadliest attack on Jews since World War II.

But that’s not all; according to The Daily Signal’s calculations, Iran has received approximately $70 billion more under Biden than it would have under Trump.

The Times of Israel reported on today’s assassination attempt.

A drone fired by Hezbollah from Lebanon that exploded in the central seaside town of Caesarea early on Saturday targeted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s private home, his office said.

The premier and his wife were not present and no injuries were reported.

The short statement from Netanyahu’s office came after the IDF said that “a building had been hit” in the upscale town famous for its swanky villas and Roman ruins and amphitheater.

It was not immediately clear if the prime minister’s home suffered any damage.

[Ed.:  When we take out Ayatollah Kakameinei, and we incapacitate his military, the Irani people can and will build back their country and their government.  That’s the good news.  The bad news is that Obama and his subordinates will have wrinkled panties.]

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.