Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 9/9/24


[Ed.:  The news is fun (- if you know how to swallow it…)  Notice the conscientious avoidance of Kamala/Biden articles!  …You’re welcome!  ]

 (Note:  All Democrat and RINO readers must be accompanied by an adult, and have a clean pair of unwrinkled panties...)



Just In: Rumble is NO LONGER AVAILABLE in Brazil-A Direct Attack on Freedom of Expression in Yet Another Country   By Gateway Hispanic

Sep. 9, 2024 1:20 pm – Rumble, the leading free speech platform, has been banned in Brazil, marking a new and alarming attack on freedom of information. Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski issued a strong message to users, warning of increasing restrictions in several countries around the world.

In a recent statement, Pavlovski announced that Rumble is no longer available to citizens of Brazil, joining other countries such as France, Russia and China where access to the platform has been blocked. This move comes following the actions of Judge Alexandre de Moraes of Brazil’s Federal Supreme Court, who has been accused of leading a frontal attack on freedom of expression in the country.

“World powers don’t want Rumble, they don’t want X, they don’t want Telegram, and they don’t want Truth Social. They want to control information, but our companies won’t let them,” Pavlovski said in his message, highlighting how freedom-defending platforms are under siege by those seeking to silence independent voices.

The impact is profound: platforms like Elon Musk’s X are also off-limits to Brazilians. As advertisers boycott these companies, companies like Rumble are fighting back, fueled by support from committed users.

“ It’s the people who keep us alive and going ,” Pavlovski stressed, calling for people to join Rumble Premium to ensure the battle for freedom of expression continues. As an incentive, Rumble is offering a $10 discount for new annual subscribers who use the promo code “brazil.”

Rumble was also blocked in Russia after refusing to comply with the Russian government’s censorship demands, according to CEO Chris Pavlovski. While platforms like YouTube continue to operate in Russia, Rumble has refused requests to remove content that does not violate its policies, such as channels about marijuana and political topics. Pavlovski said the move underscores tensions over internet freedom and calls into question other platforms’ compliance with Russian regulations.

This attack on freedom of expression cannot be ignored. Censorship is expanding and platforms like Rumble are at the forefront of the fight.

Over the weekend, thousands of people protested against censorship on X and in favor of Bolsonaro’s return. In addition, Lula appeared alone and isolated at the Independence Day parade.

See videos


Owner forced to sell Colorado apartment complex where Venezuelan gangs have been ‘running rampant’ despite Aurora cops claiming there’s no problem there   [VIDEOS]  By GERMANIA RODRIGUEZ POLEO

9 September 2024 – The owner of an Aurora, Colorado, apartment complex has agreed to sell the property after claiming it was taken over by Venezuelan gangsters.

Aurora officials will drop dozens of charges against the owner of the Aspen Grove apartment complex as part of the agreement, as reported by the Denver Gazette.

The Aspen Grove was shuttered in August, with about 300 people evicted, after the city identified health and safety issues including rodent infestations, sewage backups, lack of electricity and trash pileups.

Authorities had accused the landlord, Zev Baumgarten of failing to maintain the 99-unit property, located at 1568 Nome St.

The management company, on its part, has blamed the property’s condition on gangs, claiming Tren de Aragua members have scared management away and are forcing residents to pay rent to them.

Colorado police and local officials and activists have denied their claims.

As part of the deal with Aurora officials, the owner has also agreed to pay up to $60,000 to clean up and secure the Aspen Grove.

Landlord Baumgarten has also been accused of similar violations at the Edge of Lowry Apartments at 1258 Dallas St, where viral footage showed armed men breaking into units.

A third complex, the Whispering Pines at 1357 Galena St, has also been affected by gangs, with a law firm hired by management claiming that Venezuelan gangsters have been running the building since late 2023.

All three properties are managed by Brooklyn-based CBZ Management.

The Tren de Aragua, a criminal group from Venezuela, has had a ‘stranglehold’ on the Whispering Pines Apartments in Aurora since late 2023, the law firm Perkins Coie claimed in a letter to Aurora officials.

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Students for Justice in Palestine Calls for ‘End of America’

September 9, 2024   JBN News

The notorious National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) made headlines again this week after sharing a post that called for the end of America.

“Divestment against Israel is not an incremental goal. True divestment necessitates nothing short of the total collapse of the university structure and the American empire itself. To divest from this is to undermine and eradicate America as we know it,” the now deleted post reads.

With chapters across numerous universities, SJP has garnered attention for its vocal Hamas sympathy and calls for violence.

During campus protests in April 2024, SJP was involved in creating a Telegram channel that reportedly shared instructions on obstructing police activities. This included guidance on breaking officers’ grips and carrying tools to release detained individuals, blurring the line between peaceful protest and lawlessness.

The Hamas loving group has collaborated with organizations like the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) and Within Our Lifetime (WOL), which have been long accused of supporting extremism. Even among those sympathetic to the Arab cause SJP has taken hardline positions, sometimes even criticizing Squad politicians like Jamaal Bowman and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for not aligning fully with their fanatical stance.

Founded in the mid-1990s, SJP’s roots trace back to co-founder Hatem Bazian, now a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. SJP is not officially registered as an NGO in the US, and its current leadership hierarchy is not publicly clear. Funding for local chapters sometimes comes from universities themselves, while the New York-based WESPAC Foundation has been identified as a fiscal sponsor.

In response to SJP’s antisemitic activities, pro-Israel campus groups like Students Supporting Israel (SSI) are calleing on the government to ban the organization from American universities.

[Ed.:  If these politically astute idiots got “an end to America”, where do they expect that they could protest then?  Maybe in “Palestine”?]



Real America’s Voice Ben Bergquam Exposes Massive “Border Wall Graveyard” in New Mexico  (VIDEO)   By David Greyson

Sep. 8, 2024 7:20 pm- Real America’s Voice and Host of “Law and Border” Ben Bergquam was in New Mexico recently to expose what he referred to as a “Border wall graveyard.”

The Biden/Harris regime has left millions of dollars of unused border wall material in the desert to go to waste.

Even worse, millions of dollars of border wall material have been sold for pennies on the dollar instead of being used to secure our country.

Bartiromo: Biden Regime Sold $300 Million Worth of Border Wall Parts for $2 Million  (Video)

“This is one of the few large border wall graveyards still left,” Bergquam said.

“Hundreds of millions of your tax dollars wasted, rotting out in the sun because of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Everything they have told you about the border is a lie,” Bergquam continued.

“Four years, they lied to you and told you that it was President Trump’s fault. Four years they allowed the wall that President Trump was putting up to rot out here in the desert. Everything they’ve told you is a lie,” Bergquam continued.

“This is the stuff they couldn’t sell. Most of it they did at pennies on the dollar. There are massive yards like this all along our southern border. They got rid of most of it so you wouldn’t see it,” Bergquam said.

“And now after four years of allowing our country to be invaded, Kamala Harris has the nerve to say she wants to build a border wall,” Bergquam said.


Last year, TGP reported that the Biden regime sold border material for pennies on the dollar. $300 million worth of border wall material for only $2 million.

On day one – The Biden regime opened the US southern border on day one of the administration. They also ended all construction of the Trump border wall on the US Southern Border.

To make matters worse, Biden had a worthless Executive Order back in June which does nothing to stop the flow of illegals. He actually took 94 executive actions to dismantle Trump’s secure border.

After Biden was ousted as the nominee, Kamala now acts like she supports having a secure border. She had three and a half years to fix the problem.


Hungary Threatens to Deport Migrants to Brussels If the EU Attempts to Force Them to Absorb “Asylum Seekers”   By Seth Segal

Sep. 8, 2024 3:20 pm – Hungary is known for its strong national conservative stance on immigration and its common sense approach of putting the country and its people first, not the interests of Brussels, the seat of the EU.

As reported by Breitbart, if the EU attempts to force Hungary to absorb so-called “asylum seekers,” they will promptly send them right back to Brussels.

In the past, the EU has threatened fines against nations who do not take in “asylum seekers.”

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, this is hardly the first time the EU has pressured Hungary simply for standing for its people and protecting its national sovereignty.

They have been threatened with hefty fines for the “crime” of protecting their nation and in June 2024, the European Court of Justice fined Hungary €200 million for breaking the EU’s asylum laws and ignoring an earlier judgment.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán expressed outrage after the judgment.

Orbán’s government, however, is doubling down and following in the footsteps of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Gregg Abbott.

DeSantis and Abbott of Texas sent illegals on buses to virtue signaling liberal parts of the country.

Breitbart reports, “Hungarian Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior Bence Rétvári promised to provide migrants with one-way tickets to Brussels.”

Standing before a fleet of busses in Budapest on Friday, the Hungarian politician said per Magyarnemzet: “If the European Union forces Hungary to let in illegal immigrants, Hungary will offer the migrants to transport them to Brussels for free after completing the European procedure.”

“The mayor of Brussels reacted to the proposal in such a way that it would turn the everyday lives of the people of Brussels upside down. And Hungary protects the southern border so that the everyday lives of Hungarians are not turned upside down,” he added.

No doubt the globalists in Brussels will be outraged since they don’t want illegal migrants either. Migration for thee but not for me.

A frequent pattern of elite globalists is pushing for mass migration in other states and countries while keeping them out of their own neighborhoods.

Hungary has pointed out they also have a wall on their southern border to keep out a migrant invasion. This is yet another example overseas of the efficacy of walls and borders. America could learn from Hungary in securing our borders and building a wall to protect our citizens.

[Ed.:  You tell ‘em, Victor!  That plan worked really well in New York, LA, Martha’s Vineyard, and Chicago. Those lefties in Brussels should take them into their own homes if they have a spec of humanitarian altruism about them.]


Edmundo González Lands in Madrid to Begin His Exile in Spain Following Brutal Repression by Maduro’s Regime   By Gateway Hispanic

Sep. 8, 2024 3:40 pm – Edmundo González Urrutía, the elected president of Venezuela, has arrived in Spain this Sunday to begin his exile after a brutal wave of repression unleashed by Nicolás Maduro’s regime. González landed at the Torrejón de Ardoz military base in Madrid, accompanied by his wife, after taking refuge at the residences of the Dutch and Spanish ambassadors in Caracas.

Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares confirmed that González flew aboard a Spanish Air Force plane, stating that the Spanish government is committed to protecting the political rights and safety of Venezuelans.

X post translation:

Edmundo González, at his own request, flies to Spain on a Spanish Air Force plane. The Government of Spain is committed to the political rights and physical integrity of all Venezuelans.

González, who faced threats, blackmail, and an attempted arrest after winning the July 28, 2024 elections, will now have to request political asylum in Spain. With over 1,700 political prisoners and Maduro’s regime attempting to invalidate the election results, the political climate in Venezuela remains tense. It is expected that González will continue leading the opposition from exile while María Corina Machado remains in Venezuela, resisting the regime’s repression.

X post translation:

To the Venezuelans,

Edmundo González Urrutía, President-elect of Venezuela, has left the country and is in Spain.

Following our historic victory on July 28, 2024, the regime unleashed a brutal wave of repression against all citizens, classified as State terrorism by the IACHR, which included all types of attacks against the President-elect and those around him.

His life was in danger, and the increasing threats, summons, arrest warrants and even attempts at blackmail and coercion to which he has been subjected, demonstrate that the regime has no scruples and no limits in its obsession with silencing him and trying to subdue him.

Faced with this brutal reality, it is necessary for our cause to preserve his freedom, his integrity and his life.

This operation by the regime and its allies is further evidence of their criminal nature, which delegitimizes and sinks them more and more every day. But, once again, they were wrong. Their attempted coup against Popular Sovereignty will not come to fruition.

On January 10, 2025, President-Elect Edmundo González Urrutía will be sworn in as Constitutional President of Venezuela and Commander-in-Chief of the National Armed Forces.

Let this be very clear to everyone: Edmundo will fight from outside alongside our diaspora and I will continue to do so here, alongside you.

Serenity, courage and firmness!

Venezuelans, this fight is UNTIL THE END and victory is ours.

Machado has affirmed that, despite González’s exile, “on January 10, 2025, he will be sworn in as the Constitutional President of Venezuela,” ensuring that the fight for democracy will continue both inside and outside the country.

[Ed.:  He must think that Spain is safe for him.  Reminds me of Trump thinking the SS is safe for securing his life.  These elected presidents whose seats have been stolen from them seem to think alike! Was Jair Bolsonaro really safe when he was in exile in Miami and everyone knew his address? Elected leaders whose seats have been stolen from the are so numerous now-a-days, that they have become  their own class of people.  The common theme that connects all of them is that they all trust the very people who will stab them in the back.  It’s a syndrome already!  You can’t cure naive…]


Ohio Resident Horrified After Spotting Missing Cat ‘Hanging from a Branch, Being Carved Up for Food’ by Haitian Migrants: Report   By Jim Hft

Sep. 8, 2024 7:00 pm – A shocking Facebook post from a local Springfield community group has sparked alarm after a resident shared a disturbing exchange with her neighbor regarding the safety of pets and local wildlife.

The post, shared by a concerned resident, began with a stark warning: “Warning to all about our beloved pets & those around us!!!”

The resident recounted a disturbing exchange with her neighbor, who revealed that her daughter’s friend had tragically lost her pet cat. The concerned pet owner had searched tirelessly, checking online lost pet pages, local animal shelters, and asking neighbors if they had seen her missing feline.

However, the search ended in horror. According to the neighbor, one day, after returning home from work, she spotted her lost cat in a neighboring yard.

The disturbing detail? The cat was reportedly hanging from a tree branch, allegedly being carved for consumption. The residents of the home in question were identified as a Haitian family.

The original poster further claimed that similar incidents had been happening with other animals in the community, including dogs. The post also alleged that authorities, such as park rangers and local police, had reported similar acts involving ducks and geese in Snyder Park.

The post reads:

Warning to all about our beloved pets & those around us!!

My neighbor informed me that her daughters friend had lost her cat. She checked pages, kennels, asked around, etc. One day she came home from work, as soon as she stepped out of her car, looked towards a neighbors house, where Haitians live, & saw her cat hanging from a branch, like you’d do a deer for butchering, & they were carving it up to eat.

I’ve been told they are doing this to dogs, they have been doing it at snyder park with the ducks & geese, as I was told that last bit by Rangers & police. Please keep a close eye on these animals.

According to the Haitian Report:

Why do Haitians eat cats?

Contrary to popular beliefs, Haitians don’t eat cats because they are poor and hungry. They eat cats because it’s a tradition.

The practice of eating cats in Haiti is not a new habit but an old tradition started at the time of slavery.

For instance, runaway slaves hunted, killed, and ate wild cats deep in Haiti’s forest and treacherous mountains many years before Haiti became a nation.

So the practice of eating cat is just as old as Haiti herself.

Do Haitians eat other types of animals?

Yes. Haitians eat cows, goats, sheep, chickens, pork, etc., but cat meat is a delicacy that many from the countryside simply can’t resist.


…having a Reveyon without a cat is just like celebrating Thanksgiving without a turkey. Unless you are a vegetarian, some just have to have it.

Why? Well, again, it’s an old tradition.

Why is it legal to eat cats in Haiti?

Some Haitians eat cat’s meat freely for three reasons:

  • There are no laws designed to prevent people from eating cats.
  • Most Haitians do not have a human-like relationship with their pets.
  • Some see cats just like pork, beef, and chicken. So there is no discrimination.

There is no preferential treatment. Meat is meat–whether it is from cats or any other large animals.

Residents of Springfield, which now has a population of roughly 60,000 people, are growing increasingly vocal about the influx of migrants, particularly after claims surfaced that local wildlife and pets were being killed and eaten.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that during a recent City Commission meeting, outraged citizens confronted local officials, accusing them of turning a blind eye to the situation.

One resident recounted seeing migrants “grabbing up ducks by their necks, decapitating them, and walking off with them to eat.” Others detailed how the massive influx of migrants has overwhelmed the town’s resources and turned their once-quiet streets into chaos.

“They’re in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and eating them,” said one resident who identified himself as a ‘social media influencer.’

“Who is getting paid? Like how much money is y’all really getting paid? Like to bring them over here, like I know it’s deeper than them,” he said.

Read more:

[Ed.:  50 million dangerous invaders since the obamination of America.  15 million since the steal.  Raping our daughters we knew about, but no one even conceived of them killing and eating our pets too…  The government that perpetrated this must be replaced. It’s gone against us.]


Angry Springfield, Ohio Residents GO OFF at City Commission Meeting as Haitian Illegals Run Wild, Flip Cars, Decapitate Ducks in Parks and Eat Them   (VIDEO  3:15:48)   By Cristina Laila

Sep. 8, 2024 1:40 pm – More than 20,000 Haitians are now living in Springfield, Ohio and the residents are fed up.

Springfield has a population of about 60,000 people and Haitians now make up 25% of the population.

Democrats want to take back Ohio so they have flooded parts of the state with Haitians and other illegal migrants.

The City of Springfield held a City Commission meeting last week and angry residents went off on them for doing nothing about the Haitians wreaking havoc on the community and draining resources.

Residents went off the local government officials for neglecting to keep the city clean and safe amid an influx of Haitian illegals.

One resident said Haitians are running people off the road, flipping cars and decapitating ducks in the parks and eating them.

“They’re in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and eating them,” said one resident who identified himself as a ‘social media influencer.’

The angry resident accused the government officials of getting paid to bring the hordes of Haitian illegals to the Ohio town of 60,000 people.

“Who is getting paid? Like how much money is y’all really getting paid? Like to bring them over here, like I know it’s deeper than them,” he said.

The resident detailed other horrors of living with 20,000 illegal Haitians. He said Haitians are running people off the road and flipping cars.



[Ed.:  They’re not laughing in Israel, but the video is correct.]


]“The Blob” in Brazil: TGP Exposes the Million-Dollar US Censorship Industry Attacking Free Speech in Brazil as Half a Million Brazilians Protest for Freedom in São Paulo  [VIDEOS]  By Richard Abelson

Sep. 8, 2024 8:45 am – Half a million Brazilians came out Saturday in São Paulo and more all across the country to protest the massive censorship campaign against X and the persecution of opposition citizens, journalists and politicians. Gateway Pundit reveals the network of US Deep State funded “Non”-Governmental Oganizations fighting free speech in Brazil, which are a product with the same censorship complex active in the United States and Europe.


Twitter Files journalist Michael Shellenberger risked possible prosecution in Brazil to attend the free speech rally Saturday with President Jair Bolsonaro, son Eduardo Bolsonaro and many others.

“Brazilian President Lula and Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes say they must block X to protect Brazil’s independence. X is a platform for dangerous, false, and hateful words, they say, and many of those words violate Brazil’s laws and Constitution. But their censorship goes far beyond what Brazil’s constitution allows. The government demanded that X and other social media networks censor and ban individual people, including journalists and politicians. Such bans are immoral, illegal, and unconstitutional. They constitute election interference and undermine democracy by preventing candidates from getting the word out”, Shellenberger wrote.


Censorship expert Mike Benz of “Foundation for Freedom Online” has posted repeatedly about the government-organized NGO (GONGO) network behind the onslaught on freedom of speech in Brazil and the West in general, urging House Republicans to take urgent action against the tyrannical assault on democracy led by the US foreign policy establishment.

Benz charges that the Pentagon, State Department, National Endowment for Democracy, USAID, Atlantic Council and other censorship drivers have been pushing for censorship of Bolsonaro supporters since 2019. [Emphasis added]

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Concern about censorship in Brazil after the radical ban of «X»   [1:03]

Brazil has radically banned social media platform X (formerly Twitter), raising concerns about growing social media censorship globally. This decision follows orders from the Brazilian government to comply with local regulations, which has sparked debates about freedom of expression and access to technology in an increasingly regulated environment.


Arizona Mom Arrested for Criticizing Pay Raises for Public Officials at City Council Meeting  [VIDEOS]   By Pamela Geller

September 7, 2024 – The twilight of American democracy.

Arizona mom Rebekah Massie was questioning their pay raise. Ironically, she wanted to teach her 10-year-old daughter the importance of standing up for your civil rights when she brought her along to a city council meeting in Surprise, Arizona, on August 20. She gave her an altogether different lesson.

Perhaps now people begin to understand why I fought so hard for our first amendment rights, under penalty of death, but the warnings were not heeded.

An Arizona Mom Was Arrested for Criticizing Public Officials at a City Council Meeting. Now She’s Suing.   By: C.J. Ciaramella, 

September 4, 2024:

Rebekah Massie says she wanted to teach her 10-year-old daughter a little bit about the importance of standing up for your civil rights when she brought her along to a city council meeting in Surprise, Arizona, on August 20.

Her daughter certainly learned a lesson. Massie was hauled out of the room in handcuffs and charged with trespassing after criticizing a city attorney’s pay raise during the public comment period of the meeting.

On Tuesday, Massie filed a First Amendment lawsuit arguing the city council’s speech policies are unconstitutional and that city officials illegally retaliated against her, violating her First, Fourth, and 14th Amendment rights. Massie is represented by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), a free speech advocacy group.

“If the First Amendment protects anything, it protects criticizing government officials,” FIRE attorney Conor Fitzpatrick said in a press release. “Arresting government critics might be how the world’s repressive regimes operate, but it has no place in America.”

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Armed Illegals Who Violently Took Over Apartment Blocks in Colorado RELEASED on $1,000 Bond   By Pamela Geller

September 7, 2024 – Two of the Venezuelan gangsters who participated in the violent takeover of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado have been released on $1,000 BONDS.

The government is increasingly the greatest threat to our nation and our safety. J6es have sat in the gulag for years before trial.

Trial is under relentless political persecution.

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Arm yourselves.

Two of the Venezuelan gangsters who participated in the violent takeover of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado have been released on $1,000 BONDS

They are now free to go back into the community and terrorize more Americans

Does anyone remember when New York forced President Trump to pay $400 million just to appeal the hoax they brought against him?

I guess Trump is far more dangerous than violent gangsters who go around pointing guns at innocent people.

Related: Kamala’s Illegal Migrant Mob Takes Over CHICAGO Apartment Building Last Night


Democrats Are Terrified Of GOP Plan To Protect U.S. Election From Noncitizen Voting   BY: BRIANNA LYMAN

Why are Democrats and their media mouthpieces so afraid of the GOP plan to keep noncitizens from voting in American elections?

SEPTEMBER 06, 2024  The Federalist – Democrats appear to be panicking over Speaker Mike Johnson’s reported plan to link a provision requiring proof of citizenship for voter registration to a government funding bill. On Thursday, The New York Times took to distorting the facts to deflect from the very real problem of a vulnerable federal voter registration system that Democrats refuse to address.

Punchbowl News reported earlier this week that Johnson plans to introduce a continuing resolution (CR) that includes the Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. This legislation would amend the 1993 National Voter Registration Act and require prospective voters to provide documentary proof of citizenship to register.

While it’s technically already illegal for non-citizens to register to vote (or vote) in federal elections, the only thing standing between them and making it onto the voter roll is a small square box on the federal registration form that requires applicants to attest to their citizenship status under penalty of perjury.

Such a move on Johnson’s part has received almost immediate pushback from Democrats. Axios reported on Wednesday that “three senior Democratic sources” say “they expect a full whip operation against the GOP spending bill,” with Democrats in battleground districts likely to “face considerable pressure from their party not to break ranks.”

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Prisoners in Fort Worth Prisons Set to Receive Trans Surgeries Funded by Taxpayers   By Margaret Flavin

Sep. 7, 2024 12:20 pm – The Biden-Harris administration is launching a transgender surgery program for federal inmates in Fort Worth, Texas, with taxpayers footing the bill.

According to The Dallas Express, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) is pursuing a contract for “gender reassignment” surgeries at two Federal Medical Centers (FMC) in Fort Worth.

“The Federal Bureau of Prisons is pursuing a contract for gender-affirming surgery in Texas, as the Dallas-Fort Worth area is home to both male and female Federal Medical Centers,” Randilee Giamusso, a spokeswoman for FBOP, told DX.

“This will allow us to provide specialized and comprehensive care at a facility already equipped to care for individuals with complex medical considerations.”

The contract announcement reads:

The Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP), Field Acquisition Office located in Grand Prairie, Texas intends to make a single award for the provision of Gender Reassignment Surgery Medical Services for the Federal Medical Center (FMC) Carswell and (FMC) Fort Worth located in Fort Worth, TX.

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code is 621111 (Size Standard: $17,000,000).

This solicitation is being issued as unrestricted. The Government contemplates awarding an indefinite delivery/requirements type contract with firm-fixed unit pricing contract resulting from this solicitation. The contract shall consist of a Base Year and four 12 month option years for renewal. The FBOP desires a single award to the quoter who can provide the best value, considering the diversity of available services and price, among other criteria specified in the solicitation. Therefore, the Government may award any or all line items, may withhold award of any or all line items, or may award to a quoter who quotes less than the full complement of services contained in this solicitation. Quoters are encouraged to submit comprehensive proposals committing to provide all outputs listed in the solicitation. Quoters who quote less comprehensive approaches will be evaluated accordingly. All duties shall be performed in accordance with standards and methods generally accepted within the industry and in compliance with the Performance Work Statement.

The multi-million dollar contract follows an announcement in June 2022 from The Department of Justice (DOJ) of a $1.5 million payment to a private company to develop a “transgender programming curriculum” to be used across all U.S. prisons.

Fox News reported at the time, “The DOJ’s Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) entered a contract on July 1, 2021, with The Change Companies in Carson City, Nevada, for $1.5 million for developing transgender-specific programming for transgender prison inmates.

The BOP’s Office of Public Affairs explained in a statement to Fox News Digital that The Change Companies is creating a curriculum for transgender federal inmates that “teaches techniques to seek support for mental health concerns and skills to advocate for physical, emotional, and sexual health and safety.”

“The BOP provides services and programs tailored to address the needs of the transgender population,” the statement read. “By entering into a contract with The Change Companies, the BOP is able to expand program offerings for transgender inmates.”

[Ed.:  Hey!  That’s a lot of tax dollars per penis!]

New York Paying Migrant Familes $4000 to Aid Transition Out of Shelters   By Margaret Flavin

Sep. 7, 2024 1:40 pm – While millions of Americans are suffering in a disastrous Biden-Harris economy, illegals in New York are getting extra help that is not available to citizens.

On Friday, city officials confirmed to Fox News Digital that a pilot project has been launched that provides migrants $4000 to help transition out of city shelters.

Per Fox:

The NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS) offered 150 families cash assistance through the Asylee Moveout Assistance (AMA), a pilot created in December last year to help find permanent housing for asylum seekers. The pilot was launched in partnership with some city shelters providing services for asylum seekers.

“The city is using every tool at its disposal to implement innovative and cost-effective solutions to help recently-arrived asylum seekers residing in shelters take the next steps in their journey,” a Department of Social Services (DSS) spokesperson told Fox News Digital.

DHS officials in December started dispensing $4000 to 150 households who live in the city’s emergency DHS shelters.

“Since December, DSS has been working with a few not-for-profit providers operating emergency sites to pilot a new effort to reduce barriers to obtaining housing by helping asylum-seeking families who have identified permanent housing with the upfront cost of moving into their new home,” the DSS spokesperson said.

The program is only available to asylum-seeking families and pregnant women who are residing in select DHS emergency shelters.  Struggling U.S. citizens need not apply.

Officials claim the funds are coming from “leftover” money from existing DHS budgets.

The assertion of “leftover” funds is ridiculous when looking at the astronomical cost of housing and caring for migrants.

During a City Council hearing in March, Social Services Commissioner Molly Wasow Park reported that it now costs $388 per day for NYC to house and care for a single migrant household.

According to The New York Times, as of August, more than 210,000 migrants have arrived in New York City since the spring of 2022.

NYC has provided a variety of goodies to migrants, including passing out pre-paid debit cards.

That pilot program provides migrant families of four with two children under 5 with up to $350 each week until the end of their stay, costing an estimated $53 million


Radical Islamic Terrorism: Pakistani Arrested For Plotting Slaughter Of American Jews   By Seth Segal

Sep. 7, 2024 3:00 pm – A Pakistani man inspired by The Islamic State and the October 7th attack in Israel was arrested in Canada.

In the latest example of the danger of mass unvetted migration, a suspected terrorist plot was thwarted.

According to a Fox News report, an alleged would-be terrorist was arrested in Canada on Wednesday.

Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, 20, a Pakistani national who lives in Canada and also goes by the name Shahzeb Jadoon, is accused of plotting a mass shooting at a Jewish center in New York City in support of ISIS.

He has been charged with attempting to provide material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization and faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

Per Fox: 

“The defendant was allegedly determined to kill Jewish people here in the United States, nearly one year after Hamas’s horrific attack on Israel,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said. ” This investigation was led by the FBI and I am proud of the terrific work by the FBI team and our partners to disrupt Khan’s plan.”

Khan was arrested by Royal Canadian Mounted Police on a material support of terrorism warrant issued out of the Southern District of New York.

“As alleged, Khan attempted to travel to the United States to carry out a terrorist attack and murder as many Jewish people as possible, all in support of ISIS,” U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said in a statement. “Khan’s alleged crimes are a vivid reminder that we must remain vigilant in the fight against antisemitism and terror.”


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[Ed.:  He confessed that he planned to hit Chabad HQ in Crown Heights.]


Armed Venezuelan Gangs Steal Oil, Copper Wire, Assault Workers at Texas Oil Field    By Cristina Laila

Sep. 7, 2024 2:00 pm – Armed Venezuelan gang members are stealing oil, copper wire, diesel fuel and catalyst elements from Texas oil fields in West Texas, according to a memo issued to employees.

According to the memo obtained by LibsofTikTok, a Texas-based oil company issued a memo to employees warning them about security concerns from violent migrant gangs.

Venezuelan gang members are using vehicles to run workers and witnesses off the road as they steal oil and diesel fuel.

Per the memo:

Industry peers and law enforcement in West Texas (WTX) are aware of a recent increase in organized criminal activity inclusive of violent crimes, gang activity and oil field thefts in and around WTX operational areas. Specifically, regional law enforcement and the FBI advised that gang members emanating from Cuba and Venezuela are organizing and working in concert to commit thefts within the Permian Basin. These individuals and groups are armed, violent in nature and will not hesitate to use force.

Crimes associated with these groups include the theft of oil, diesel fuel, copper wire, and catalyst elements. Recent incidents have also included two assaults by water haulers who were attempting to steal oil from WTX oilfield sites. After the thieves were observed by witnesses who drove up to investigate, the thieves attempted to use their vehicles to run the witnesses off the road. In another incident, a thief, acting as a spotter and following a water hauler who had stolen oil, also attempted to run a witness off the road. There have been numerous reports of second vehicles acting as spotters for water haulers committing oil thefts.

An industry peer provided the below snapshot of a video surveillance of an armed thief checking out an area before stealing diesel from the location.

Earlier this year it was reported that Venezuelan gangs were terrorizing oil workers across the Permian Basin in West Texas.

However, the Biden-Harris Regime is doing nothing is to stop them.

Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang members are also taking over apartment complexes in Dallas, Aurora, Colorado and New York [and Chicago,] and the FBI is doing absolutely nothing to stop them.

[Ed.:  Yes, they are the new conquerers of the United States.  This is now their turf to do what ever they chose.  And they’re not even moslems!]


TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE: Alan Dershowitz leaves Democratic Party, cites DNC: ‘I was disgusted’   By Geller Report Staff

September 7, 2024 – This announcement by Alan Dershowitz is not good enough. Alan Dershowitz has influence with many Jewish voters. As such, Dershowitz should be publicly supporting President Trump, the way he publicly supported Barack Obama in 2012. But Dershowitz refuses to do that. Instead, Dershowitz says he will wait for November 1st to announce his vote. He says he wants to see how Biden-Harris will “deal with Iran,” despite the Biden-Harris record of radical appeasement of Iran. This is bulls***.

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Lifelong Democrat Alan Dershowitz Blasts Biden and Harris, Announces His Departure From the Democrat Party  (VIDEOS)   By Cristina Laila

Sep. 6, 2024 6:20 pm – Lifelong Democrat and renowned Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz on Friday announced he has left the Democrat party.

Earlier this year Dershowitz said he may officially resign as a member of the Democrat party if they cut back aid to Israel.

WATCH  https://twitter.com/i/status/1779496389816291659

On Friday, Dershowitz followed through and announced he is now a registered Independent.

Dershowitz blasted Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and said he is disgusted by what happened at the DNC Convention in Chicago last month.

“I am no longer a member of the Democrat party,” Dershowitz said.

Dershowitz said what really pushed him over is how the Democrats conducted their convention in Chicago.

Pro-Gaza protesters took over the streets outside of the DNC convention last month.


Joe Biden praised the pro-Gaza protestors and said they have a point.

“Those protestors out there in the street, they have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides,” Biden said last month.


Dershowitz criticized Biden for praising the pro-Gaza protestors and said he’s had enough with the Democrat party.


[Ed.:  This is proof that it is really never too late to correct a wrong!  Even if it means having an identity crisis late in life, or several decades of watching your party destroy your country.  Never too late while you’re still breathing, burping, and farting! GO Dersh! Now go after Harvard.]


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