Daily Shmutz US 2/5-8/23


LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit to Air Joe Biden’s SOTU Address with Live Commenting Access – STARTING AT 8:45 PM EST   [1:41:28]  By Jim Hoft

February 7, 2023 at 6:30pm – On February 7, Joe Biden will address the American people in a discussion of the many failed policies that have caused misery for the majority of the country.

No doubt, the mumbler-in-chief will load up his speech with lies, vicious attacks, and disinformation.

It will be painful to watch.

That is why The Gateway Pundit is offering you an option this year for your viewing and commenting pleasure.


Sarah Sanders delivers Republican rebuttal to Biden’s SOTU address   [14:33]

Ark. Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders gives the Republican response to President Biden’s State of the Union speech.

[Ed.:  This lady has balls!]


Border patrol unmasks plan to release illegal migrants en masse into U.S. communities

Chief Border Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez unveiled plan during meeting with local law enforcement in Weslaco, Texas.

Roughly six weeks before she testified before Congress, Chief Border Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez held a meeting with local law enforcement in Weslaco, Texas, describing the administration’s plan to release en masse illegal foreign nationals into the U.S. when Title 42 ended.

The Biden administration sought to end Title 42, the public health authority first implemented under the Trump administration during the height of the pandemic, but Texas sued and in December a federal court prevented the administration from ending it.

… Single, military-age men make up 70% of illegal entries, which are harder to deal with because of safety concerns, he said. They are seeing armed individuals – 17 Border Patrol agents were assaulted last year, “the highest [number] we’ve ever seen,” he said.


Trump reshares Truth Social post accusing DeSantis of drinking with underaged girls

The blurry photo shows a male individual surrounded by three women whose faces have been pixelated.

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday further escalated his ongoing feud with Ron DeSantis, resharing an image that purported to show the Florida governor drinking with underaged high school girls while he was a teacher.

“That’s not Ron, is it? He would never do such a thing!” Trump wrote while resharing the post from “Dong-Chan Lee,” an unverified account with 506 followers as of press time.

The blurry photo shows a male individual surrounded by three women whose faces have been pixelated. It is unclear whether the photo actually depicts DeSantis and neither the ages of the woman nor their identities are specifically stated.

[Ed.: That’s what I call ‘low-rent’!]


Welcome To The Death Spiral    by John Rubino

MONDAY, FEB 06, 2023 – 09:00 AMGold bugs and other long-suffering critics of fiat currency and endless credit expansion have for decades been predicting that soaring debt would eventually blow up the financial world.

As the story went, governments with unlimited printing presses would spend and borrow too much, forcing their central banks to keep interest rates unnaturally low to make interest costs manageable, which would encourage even more credit growth, causing inflation to spike, and so on, until everyone loses faith in fiat currencies and the misbegotten things fall to their intrinsic value of zero.

That’s a bit hard to visualize when it’s explained in long, convoluted sentences. But it’s a lot clearer when you line up the relevant charts. So let’s start with US government debt, which has gone parabolic.

Ever-increasing debt is manageable if interest rates fall concurrently so the interest on that debt doesn’t change. And that’s what happened between 1980 and 2021. The Fed pushed down interest rates, which minimized interest costs, which lulled a shockingly gullible investment community and political class into the belief that this process could continue forever.

But of course it couldn’t continue forever.

As the critics predicted, soaring debt required ever greater currency creation which eventually caused the cost of living to jump by 10% in 2022, leading regular people to demand that it stop. So the Fed now has to raise interest rates to counter inflation. You can see this happening on the far right of the above chart.

Here’s where the death spiral kicks in

As the US borrows more money and its existing debts roll over at higher rates, the cost of that debt is soaring. This year the government’s annual interest bill will break $1 trillion. Combine that with the soaring cost of Medicare and Social Security as millions of Baby Boomers retire, and Washington is looking at $2 trillion a year just in just interest and entitlements, which it will have to borrow to fund, which will send interest costs even higher, which will require more borrowing, and so on, until it all comes crashing down.


Congress Is Set To Expose What May Be The Largest Censorship System In US History    by Jonathan Turley

MONDAY, FEB 06, 2023 – 01:20 PM – Below is my column in the Hill on the first hearings this week to be held by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. It could be one of the most consequential investigations for free speech in decades if it pulls back the curtain on government censorship programs. After the historic release of the Twitter Files by Elon Musk, questions remain on any similar coordination with other social media companies with federal agencies like the FBI to target views considered “disinformation” or “misinformation.”


MEET THE NEW DR. DEATH: Far-Left Portland Physician Is Turning Oregon Into America’s First DEATH TOURISM State   By Cullen Linebarger

February 6, 2023 at 8:15pm – The war on human life continues unabated in the Western world. The Daily Mail revealed on Sunday a doctor named Nicholas Gideonse has been convincing terminally ill individuals to come to Oregon so he can help them commit suicide and in the process turning Oregon into a “death tourism” state.

Gideonse currently practices medicine at the Oregon Health Science University (OHSU) Primary Care Clinic in Portland. At the same time, he also serves as the director of End of Life Choices in Oregon.

Gideonse is also a radical-left political activist. His Facebook page shows him supporting the Marxist Black Lives Matters clowns and the environmental extremist Sunrise Movement.

The Oregon physician recently told a panel that he was convincing terminally ill out-of-state residents to travel to Oregon so he could help them end their lives despite this not being quite legal yet. The state last year agreed to extend access to doctor-assisted suicide to non-residents, but this is not expected to be codified into law until later this year.

Biden Asked Why “China Would Make Such a Brazen Act” By Flying a Spy Balloon Across US – His Response is Shocking (VIDEO)


Dr. Corsi: Why Obama, the FBI, and the CIA Orchestrated the Takedown of General Michael Flynn – Part 2


Biden Regime Quietly Frees One of 9/11 Terrorist Planners from Gitmo as the Whole Country Watches the Chinese Spy Balloon


Here is a List of the US Military Bases in the Path of the China Spy Balloon As it Traversed Across the Continental United States

[Ed.: I woke up this morning a little before 5:00 and noticed a big full moon low in the Western sky.  But, since I am so well read, I knew better!  It was actually a Chinese spy balloon.  I decided not to waste ammo trying to shoot it down, but I did give them the finger!]


Dr. Corsi: Why Obama, the FBI, and the CIA Orchestrated the Takedown of General Michael Flynn – Part 1


House Judiciary GOP subpoena FBI’s Christopher Wray, AG Merrick Garland

Jordan previously warned Garland in mid-January that the he might face such a subpoena should he not cooperate House Republican demands for information.


House bill rescinding $71B for 87k IRS agents stalled in Senate after nearly 4 weeks without vote

In a recent poll, a solid majority of respondents supported the House-passed bill that strips the IRS funding from the Democrats’ $740 billion Inflation Reduction Act.


It’s Saturday, February 4th, 2023 – and Biden is still NOT my President!   Tierney’s Real News

BLOOMBERG: “Biden tried to hide the presence of the CCP’s spy balloon so it wouldn’t derail Blinken’s trip to Communist China …. until the local media in Billings, Montana published a picture of it” taken by a commercial pilot. Then Biden had to admit the balloon was spying on us and Blinken had to cancel his trip!

So Biden was covering for the CCP against the American people. He knew that our enemies in Communist China were using the balloon to spy on America’s most sensitive military installations – for 6 days – but wanted to keep it quiet to appease Xi!


Emergency withdrawals of 401(k) plans surge amid economic turmoil

Medical bills, evictions drive jump in cash rush.

A high number of Americans drew on their 401(k) retirement plans in 2022 amid economic turmoil and rising costs around the country, according to one investment firm’s data.


Chinese Attack on U.S.! Ilhan Omar Booted from Committee, Biden Crime Update, & More!   [57:26]  Judicial Watch


Why Is NIH Funding Biolabs Around the World to Study Bat Viruses – Concerned Citizens in Colorado Don’t Want a Lab in Their Back Door


THIS WILL NOT END WELL: NSA Courting THOUSANDS Of Fired Woke Big Tech Workers For Intelligence Activities


Total Page Visits: 1273

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.