Daily Shmutz 1/14/23 – HEALTH


3.   10 Ways to use Pink Himalayan Salt in a survival scenario

[Ed.:  Although this is an ad from the Health Ranger store, this article is very informative about pink salt, and its many benefits! Besides, it tastes much better, too!]

January 13, 2023  – Salt is one of the most important components of a survival pantry. A must-have for prepping food and cooking, this common seasoning can bring out the flavor of foods and even help you extend the shelf life of fresh foods in your stockpile.

But salt’s usefulness isn’t limited to the kitchen. In fact, you can use salt in a variety of ways and situations – from cleaning to supporting good health and maintaining hygiene – which is why preppers prioritize stocking up on this all-around survival item.

Like many commonly used items, salt comes in different varieties. But for preppers looking for a healthier alternative than table salt, unrefined salt like pink Himalayan salt is the best choice. Endowed with useful properties thanks to its mineral content, pink Himalayan salt is not only versatile but also cleaner and better for your health than regular table salt.

Advantages of Pink Himalayan Salt over other salts

Pink Himalayan salt, often called the “purest salt on Earth,” is sourced from the Khewra Salt Mine in the Punjab region in Pakistan, one of the largest salt mines in the world and the only place where naturally pink salt deposits are found. [1] Pink Himalayan salt is believed to have been formed millions of years ago via the evaporation of ancient bodies of water. [2]

Unlike regular table salt, which is heavily processed and mixed with anti-caking agents, pink Himalayan salt undergoes very minimal processing. [3] It is only harvested and washed by hand, which does not strip away its mineral content. Pink Himalayan salt is said to contain a combination of 84 trace minerals, including essential ones like calcium, magnesium, potassium and sulfur. [4]

Pink Himalayan salt also naturally contains iodine, although not as much as iodized salt. Its characteristic pink color, meanwhile, is thanks to the reaction between iron oxide and sodium chloride, or salt. Iron oxide is said to be present at high amounts in the Khewra Salt Mine. [5]

Apart from its mineral content, what makes pink Himalayan salt a better choice than other salts is its lower sodium content. One teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt contains only 1,680 milligrams (mg) of sodium, while the same amount of table salt and Kosher salt contains 2,325 mg and 1,800 mg of sodium, respectively.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, adults should consume no more than 2,300 mg of sodium a day. [6] It’s important to watch your sodium intake because consuming too much can lead to serious health problems like high blood pressure, loss of bone calcium and stroke. [7] With its lower sodium but higher mineral content, pink Himalayan salt is perfect for making healthy, tasty and satisfying meals.


2.   Defeating the Bulldozer With Love: We Will Win   Analysis by Tessa Lena

January 14, 2023 – During these cruel, challenging times, love remains the most important fuel for our souls.


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  • During these cruel times, love remains the most important fuel for our souls, and it has the power to bring clarity to us and to erase any fear



1.  Best Medicine For Curing Depression And Anxiety? Kindness, Study Suggests

January 14, 2023 – Acts of kindness are an excellent method to strengthen sentiments of social connectedness. Now, according to a study, the best medicine for curing depression and anxiety might just be kindness.

A recent study from The Ohio State University found that small acts of kindness can help people combat sentiments of worry and sadness. Researchers claim that doing good actions results in significant mental health gains that are not evident with two other therapy modalities that are frequently employed to treat the diseases.

Perhaps more significantly, study co-author David Cregg notes that acts of kindness were the only mental health intervention that was evaluated to make respondents feel more connected to others. David Cregg directed the research as part of his psychology PhD dissertation at OSU.

“Social connection is one of the ingredients of life most strongly associated with well-being. Performing acts of kindness seems to be one of the best ways to promote those connections,” Cregg explains in a statement.


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